It's been 2 months I stop blogging. I've merely saved enough money to make a very small step in STI investment. Saving is not easy when debts, loans, installments and expenses are all around my neck.
I should have practiced to start investment although the capital is small. However, everytime I wanted to dive in, I just have no confident and not enough cash in hand. Moreover, the scandal that I meet last month has frozen my capital in investment, cause some delay in my investment.
After the lesson, I just have some golden word for myself, think twice before you spend especially I just got my credit card recently. Credit spending is devillish.....
Dec 15, 2008
Oct 12, 2008
Something Amazing!
Warren Buffet has crown to be the world richest man by overtaking Bill Gates US$8 billion. From 29 August till 1 October, the market was going down the tubes for 20%, Buffett got $242 million richer every day. How is that even possible?
Sep 18, 2008
Gold and Oil market
People are scared off by share market, trust funds. They'll properly go to metal and oil again. I just predict that gold will rise to USD900/ounce and oil will gain back to USD100/barrel again in a short period
Sep 4, 2008
Speedy Chrome

However, when I reach my home and switch on my laptop. The browser I prefer is the Mozilla Firefox. Nevertheless, I still run 2 browsers at the same time as I always sign in to 2 gmail accounts. Due to this factor, I can feel the speed different between these 2 browsers. Firefox always at the lead and IE is definitely the slower one.
Yesterday, I managed to free up my time to really sit down, installed, explored and experienced the new browser from Google - Google Chrome after it launched on the second day.
Whoops, guess what I found and the Chrome its really "chroming" my heart. It's loading time its much much faster that I thought. If IE is running, then I would probably said Firefox is leaping. If Firefox is leaping, the Chrome is definitely FYLING!!!
Below is the summarized speed comparison chart I found today from the website on several famous browsers loading the same Java Script.

Sep 1, 2008
When UMPCs and Handhelds meets?
Did you ever notice that the size of the personal computer is "nanoing"? After the desktop, they came out laptop. Now, they even try to shrink the laptop in terms of size and weight. Hence, Ulta Mobility Personal Computer (UMPC) is born.
While the PCs is shrinking in size, the handheld devices is powering up in performance. The Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) or rather called as Palmtop and the smartphones are gaining their pace to catch up to the performance of their Techno Siblings - The Computers.
Below are the comparisons between the UMPC from Fujitsu and PDA from HTC.
This is the Fujitsu LifeBook U1010, one of the UMPC model out in market. The Specs are as below:
Processor Speed: 800MHz
RAM : 1024 MB
Hard Disk : 40GB
Weight : 0.58kg
Dimension : 171x133x26.5mm
This is the PDA from the HTC called HTC Touch Diamond. It's one of the best PDA in town. The Specs are listed as below:
Processor Speed: 528MHz
RAM : 192 MB
Hard Disk : 4GB
Weight : 0.11kg
Dimension : 102x51x11.3mm
Through the specs comparison above, we can see that the PC is "down sizing" and "keep fitting". Whereas the smartphones/PDA is actually growing to become "smarter" and "faster" then before. The differences is just one is meant for doing your "work chores" and the other is built to "watch over" your husband/wife.
I do believe that not far from today, these 2 devices will meet and come into a single similarity to do your "work" and "watch" over your husband/wife concurrently. I just wonder what they'll name it as its between the laptop and palmtop. Probably the "BUTTOCK" :P
While the PCs is shrinking in size, the handheld devices is powering up in performance. The Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) or rather called as Palmtop and the smartphones are gaining their pace to catch up to the performance of their Techno Siblings - The Computers.
Below are the comparisons between the UMPC from Fujitsu and PDA from HTC.

Processor Speed: 800MHz
RAM : 1024 MB
Hard Disk : 40GB
Weight : 0.58kg
Dimension : 171x133x26.5mm

This is the PDA from the HTC called HTC Touch Diamond. It's one of the best PDA in town. The Specs are listed as below:
Processor Speed: 528MHz
RAM : 192 MB
Hard Disk : 4GB
Weight : 0.11kg
Dimension : 102x51x11.3mm
Through the specs comparison above, we can see that the PC is "down sizing" and "keep fitting". Whereas the smartphones/PDA is actually growing to become "smarter" and "faster" then before. The differences is just one is meant for doing your "work chores" and the other is built to "watch over" your husband/wife.
I do believe that not far from today, these 2 devices will meet and come into a single similarity to do your "work" and "watch" over your husband/wife concurrently. I just wonder what they'll name it as its between the laptop and palmtop. Probably the "BUTTOCK" :P
Aug 26, 2008
Low morale
Just receive the increment letter on friday. After opened and looked over the letter, my morale to work on that day drop to 0.
In the market, my paid is consider below market value. After getting PR status and worked for 8 months, I thought they might be increase some amount for me. However, the amount increase is still far far beyond my expectation. My expectation on this increment has been set at very low. As low as only SGD100 only. Yet, half of my expectation also never reach...
On that very day, all of my colleagues get the letter also. I can know they faced the same thing as I faced as well. The very reason company gave to us is losing money against US currency, but the letter state that the company growth increase compared to 6 months ago!
Until today, my morale is still at level 0.
In the market, my paid is consider below market value. After getting PR status and worked for 8 months, I thought they might be increase some amount for me. However, the amount increase is still far far beyond my expectation. My expectation on this increment has been set at very low. As low as only SGD100 only. Yet, half of my expectation also never reach...
On that very day, all of my colleagues get the letter also. I can know they faced the same thing as I faced as well. The very reason company gave to us is losing money against US currency, but the letter state that the company growth increase compared to 6 months ago!
Until today, my morale is still at level 0.
Aug 20, 2008
Summary on the 360 Degree Leader
It's been very very long time I didn't write book summary. The only reason is - I didn't finish reading any books. :p
Only until today, I finally finished 1 book - The 360 Degree Leader by John C.Maxwell. It took me almost 6 weeks to complete the whole books. --"
Below are the chapters of the book in summary. The title of each chapter carries the meaning clearly. Here are the break down:
Section 1: The myths of leading from the middle of an organization
Myth 1 - The position myth: "I can't lead if I am not at the top"
Myth 2 - The destination myth: "When I get to the top, then I'll learn to lead"
Myth 3 - The influence myth: "If I were on top, then people would follow me"
Myth 4 - The inexperience myth: "When I get to the top, I'll be in control"
Myth 5 - The freedom myth: "When I get to the top, I'll no longer be limited"
Myth 6 - The potential myth: "I can't reach my potential if I'm not the top leader"
Myth 7 - The All-or-Nothing myth: "If I can't get to the top, then I won't try to lead"
Section 2: The challenges 360 degree leaders face
Challenge 1 - The tension challenge: The pressure of being caught in the middle
Challenge 2 - The frustration challenge: Following an ineffective leader
Challenge 3 - The multi-hat challenge: One head...many hats
Challenge 4 - The ego challenge: You're often hidden in the middle
Challenge 5 - The fulfillment challenge: Leaders like the front more than then middle
Challenge 6 - The vision challenge: Championing the vision is more difficult when you didn't create it
Challenge 7 - The influence challenge: Leading others beyond your position is not easy
Section 3: Lead up
1. Lead yourself exceptionally well
2. Lighten your leader's load
3. Be willing to do what others won't
4. Do more then manage - lead!
5. Invest in relational chemistry
6. Be prepared every time you take your leader's time
7. Know when to push and when to back off
8. Become a go-to player
9. Be better tomorrow than you are today
Section 4: Lead across
1. Understand, practice, and complete the leadership loop (caring->learning->appreciating->contributing->verbalizing->leading->succeeding)
2. Put completing fellow leaders ahead of competing with them
3. Be a friend
4. Avoid office politics
5. Expand your circle of acquaintances
6. Let the best idea win
7. Don't pretend you're perfect
Section 5: Lead down
1. Walk slowly through the halls
2. See everyone as a "10"
3. Develop each team member as a person
4. Place people in their strength zones
5. Model the behavior you desire
6. Transfer the vision
7. Reward for results
Section 6: The value of 360 degree leaders
1. A leadership team is more effective than just one leader
2. Leaders are needed at every level of the organization
3. Leading successfully at one level is qualifier for leading at the next level
4. Good leaders in the middle make better than leaders at the top
5. 360 degree leaders possess qualities every organization needs.
Special section: Create an environment that unleashes 360 degree leaders
The whole chapters are quoted directly from.
It's very clear that this book is trying to tell us the wrong ideas and thinking of common people. A leader is not just to lead below, he/she must be able to lead above and across as well. He need to maintain the relationship with the boss, the peers, the subordinates and even the peers of boss and peers subordinates well too!
Only until today, I finally finished 1 book - The 360 Degree Leader by John C.Maxwell. It took me almost 6 weeks to complete the whole books. --"
Below are the chapters of the book in summary. The title of each chapter carries the meaning clearly. Here are the break down:
Section 1: The myths of leading from the middle of an organization
Myth 1 - The position myth: "I can't lead if I am not at the top"
Myth 2 - The destination myth: "When I get to the top, then I'll learn to lead"
Myth 3 - The influence myth: "If I were on top, then people would follow me"
Myth 4 - The inexperience myth: "When I get to the top, I'll be in control"
Myth 5 - The freedom myth: "When I get to the top, I'll no longer be limited"
Myth 6 - The potential myth: "I can't reach my potential if I'm not the top leader"
Myth 7 - The All-or-Nothing myth: "If I can't get to the top, then I won't try to lead"
Section 2: The challenges 360 degree leaders face
Challenge 1 - The tension challenge: The pressure of being caught in the middle
Challenge 2 - The frustration challenge: Following an ineffective leader
Challenge 3 - The multi-hat challenge: One head...many hats
Challenge 4 - The ego challenge: You're often hidden in the middle
Challenge 5 - The fulfillment challenge: Leaders like the front more than then middle
Challenge 6 - The vision challenge: Championing the vision is more difficult when you didn't create it
Challenge 7 - The influence challenge: Leading others beyond your position is not easy
Section 3: Lead up
1. Lead yourself exceptionally well
2. Lighten your leader's load
3. Be willing to do what others won't
4. Do more then manage - lead!
5. Invest in relational chemistry
6. Be prepared every time you take your leader's time
7. Know when to push and when to back off
8. Become a go-to player
9. Be better tomorrow than you are today
Section 4: Lead across
1. Understand, practice, and complete the leadership loop (caring->learning->appreciating->contributing->verbalizing->leading->succeeding)
2. Put completing fellow leaders ahead of competing with them
3. Be a friend
4. Avoid office politics
5. Expand your circle of acquaintances
6. Let the best idea win
7. Don't pretend you're perfect
Section 5: Lead down
1. Walk slowly through the halls
2. See everyone as a "10"
3. Develop each team member as a person
4. Place people in their strength zones
5. Model the behavior you desire
6. Transfer the vision
7. Reward for results
Section 6: The value of 360 degree leaders
1. A leadership team is more effective than just one leader
2. Leaders are needed at every level of the organization
3. Leading successfully at one level is qualifier for leading at the next level
4. Good leaders in the middle make better than leaders at the top
5. 360 degree leaders possess qualities every organization needs.
Special section: Create an environment that unleashes 360 degree leaders
The whole chapters are quoted directly from
It's very clear that this book is trying to tell us the wrong ideas and thinking of common people. A leader is not just to lead below, he/she must be able to lead above and across as well. He need to maintain the relationship with the boss, the peers, the subordinates and even the peers of boss and peers subordinates well too!
Aug 14, 2008
How to increase saving.
People in this era are being so emotionally tempted and draw by the abundances and multiple attractions. Especially the younger generation are so good at pampered themselves for good food and life enjoyment. These behavior aren't bad; yet there must have a limit and control. Too excessive of all these will become spend thrift and in the end your saving will shrink accordingly as well.
In my opinion, the best is draft a financial plan on your salary. Divide your salary by catering your daily, monthly expenses and saving proportionally. At least leave a small portion for your saving. Once saved, do not think of getting the money out and spend them unless you face a big financial difficulty. The most effective is save that money in a separate account at different bank from you active account.
The other way is to spend at you capability. Typically, people expenditure raise as the income raise. The more you earn the more you spend. This concept isn't wrong but it ain't right too. For example you earn 1k per month at the initial, so your expenditure is base on 1k. However when you income increase to 1.5k per month, that doesn't mean you can increase your expenditure power to 1.5k. Probably you can increase slightly to 1.1k to 1.2k so that you can save more and enjoy more too!
Last but not least, control your own spending urge is the most important. Undeniable to me that shopping can create inner self happiness. However, this just a temporal joy. Must control ourselves at buying what we really need only.
In my opinion, the best is draft a financial plan on your salary. Divide your salary by catering your daily, monthly expenses and saving proportionally. At least leave a small portion for your saving. Once saved, do not think of getting the money out and spend them unless you face a big financial difficulty. The most effective is save that money in a separate account at different bank from you active account.
The other way is to spend at you capability. Typically, people expenditure raise as the income raise. The more you earn the more you spend. This concept isn't wrong but it ain't right too. For example you earn 1k per month at the initial, so your expenditure is base on 1k. However when you income increase to 1.5k per month, that doesn't mean you can increase your expenditure power to 1.5k. Probably you can increase slightly to 1.1k to 1.2k so that you can save more and enjoy more too!
Last but not least, control your own spending urge is the most important. Undeniable to me that shopping can create inner self happiness. However, this just a temporal joy. Must control ourselves at buying what we really need only.
Aug 13, 2008
The meaning of Olympic
People have start to forget the other meaning behind the Olympic games.
This have to track back to a few thousands years ago start from the ancient Greece. There are many separated countries such as Athens, Sparta, Olympia and many more unlike the united Greece today. Wars between these country are often. The Olympic event was first started in the sanctuary for the Greeks' mighty gods and goddesses in Olympia. Then the event grew larger and it became a competition between the countries. Each of the country will send out their best athletes to compete with other country in the games.
At ancients, the game was held in every 4 year. During the Olympic year, truce among all countries are announce. If war is ongoing, soldiers have to lay down their weapons during that year no matter what. This is to make sure all the participants and audiences of the games to have a safe journey to the mount Olympus.
Today, this event is still on going. However, the great nations leaders seems like forgotten the other meaning of the game - Truce among nations during the Olympic event. Sadly, the war between Russia and Georgia are proudly started just before the Olympic games. When the games started, the war should be stopped and yet the fight between them continue as it is. Can't the UN do something to stop this war at least for this moment? Can't the Olympic games committees do something over this? How come the westerners do not make noises over this issue while they only know how to interrupt the easterners on holding this grand event.
This have to track back to a few thousands years ago start from the ancient Greece. There are many separated countries such as Athens, Sparta, Olympia and many more unlike the united Greece today. Wars between these country are often. The Olympic event was first started in the sanctuary for the Greeks' mighty gods and goddesses in Olympia. Then the event grew larger and it became a competition between the countries. Each of the country will send out their best athletes to compete with other country in the games.
At ancients, the game was held in every 4 year. During the Olympic year, truce among all countries are announce. If war is ongoing, soldiers have to lay down their weapons during that year no matter what. This is to make sure all the participants and audiences of the games to have a safe journey to the mount Olympus.
Today, this event is still on going. However, the great nations leaders seems like forgotten the other meaning of the game - Truce among nations during the Olympic event. Sadly, the war between Russia and Georgia are proudly started just before the Olympic games. When the games started, the war should be stopped and yet the fight between them continue as it is. Can't the UN do something to stop this war at least for this moment? Can't the Olympic games committees do something over this? How come the westerners do not make noises over this issue while they only know how to interrupt the easterners on holding this grand event.
Aug 12, 2008
It's been a while after my last blog. Recently, been very frustrated. When you are in frustration, everything seems like going opposing you.
First was my laptop cooler. The laptop cooler was integrated with 4 ports USB hub as it mention on its box. After I bought it for $65, I found that the hub were merely good to power up USB devices such as USB fans... More over the notebook cooler is branded yet produce such a things. I wonder where it made of and the quality control. It's not totally spoil, the USB detection is going on and off. I doubt I can replace with another 1 even I already dropped complains on the official website.
Second is my Bluetooth mouse. The mouse compatibility with the laptop are going on and off as well. Sometimes it can be detected, more of the time the pointer remain idle when I moved the mouse.
Third goes to the stupid 3G signal of my broadband. Always DC. Always can not detect the 3G signals. Always can not detect the stupid devices. Every time I surf net, every time I face these problems...... Complains also useless against my problems although I've been complaining for more then half a year.
The last thing that keep bugging me for a long time is generating extra income over my pockets. I've been thinking of ways to grow them but the problem I faced is do not have a clear idea on how to start. Probably I do need to sit down, relax my brain and perform karma in order to light up the bulb inside my head.
First was my laptop cooler. The laptop cooler was integrated with 4 ports USB hub as it mention on its box. After I bought it for $65, I found that the hub were merely good to power up USB devices such as USB fans... More over the notebook cooler is branded yet produce such a things. I wonder where it made of and the quality control. It's not totally spoil, the USB detection is going on and off. I doubt I can replace with another 1 even I already dropped complains on the official website.
Second is my Bluetooth mouse. The mouse compatibility with the laptop are going on and off as well. Sometimes it can be detected, more of the time the pointer remain idle when I moved the mouse.
Third goes to the stupid 3G signal of my broadband. Always DC. Always can not detect the 3G signals. Always can not detect the stupid devices. Every time I surf net, every time I face these problems...... Complains also useless against my problems although I've been complaining for more then half a year.
The last thing that keep bugging me for a long time is generating extra income over my pockets. I've been thinking of ways to grow them but the problem I faced is do not have a clear idea on how to start. Probably I do need to sit down, relax my brain and perform karma in order to light up the bulb inside my head.
Aug 5, 2008
How they scam you through phone
This is my very own experience. They've grown smarter. They try to con you by making story over a period of time. I'll break down in details as below:
1. They called me on 12 July and told me their company will be holding an lucky draw event on 15 July. It'll be shown as live telecast in Macau. I'm one of the lucky contestant they pick for foreigner. They talk so fast until I don even hear what channel showing live telecast, what is the event name and the company name. What I can hear loud and clear is my lucky numbers and the lucky draw date. They want me to attend the event. I'm not rich, not free and not mad enough to attend. So I rejected them. (Only the rich, the free and the mad one will attend their event in Macau) I wan't to ask them how they get my numbers but they talk so fast and so blurred via the phone and ask me to remember my lucky number, thats it.
2. After a few days, where I've forgotten about this issue, they called again on 16 July. They asked whether I watched the show? I told where the hack I have their Macau channel! They said nevermind as I've won their 3rd prize in the lucky draw! Then they start their skillful talk again which you can't really hear what the F* they said clearly. I just roughly heard I won a car. However I'm a foreigner, the car is useless to me. So the hotel is willing to convert to cash for me worth how much I can't hear. They tell me to go down and collect my own. I just tell them impossible. Then they continue to said that they need my address so that they can sent me a letter . So I told them my company address. I started to question them about their event name and Hotel names. They told me in Chinese and I insist the name in English. What I found is - "Seaview Nations in Macau spend a holiday center" An event name sounds weird right? So I tried to look up this in the Internet and I found nothing.
3. After this issue has been cooled down and I nearly forget about it, they called again on the 29 July. Asking me whether I received their cheque or not. Sincerely, I told them no. Them they said they'll cheque again as they issue the cheque via a lawyer firm. They'll find out and send the cheque to me in 3-4 days time. Then the left me a contact name - 许志豪 (which I think is fake) and a Macau contact number - +85362296401.
4. Really thought this should be over by now. Who knows, they called me on 5 August. They are very polite though. They ask me did I received any letter from them. With polite, I replied no to them. Seems shocked, they ask me to call to their "lawyer" which they entrusted the letter to by giving me another Macau phone number - +85366165384.
5. The fun begins when I called to the lawyer firm. A person answering my call said he's from a lawyer firm!!! I told them my situation and they proceed to check all the info for me. After a few minutes, a lawyer called back. He said I've won HKD 420k in total. The Macau government need a 3.5% tax on every draw prize and he calculated and converted for me into SGD. Roughly SGD2600 taxed and Prize won is SGD70k. Then he said my amount to sent over by cheque was too big, the Macau government only allow HKD120k transaction, higher then that need to go to Macau and settle it our own. Then I scold him why he din't mail or letter to me! He try to back his ass by Bullsh*tting his Macau laws again... He adviced me to arrange a meeting with him by coming down to Macau myself. Before we end the conversation, I insist him giving me his Firm's name in English and what he gave me is just and ask me to check myself cause he's very busy. ( is invalid)
6. So I called back to the hotel telling him the lawyer is useless. Then, they said they can arrange the meeting for me if I come down. So, this time I answered I'm coming down myself. Please arranged for me your hotel room! They seem shock and he'll seek advice from his manager and call me back in a moment. They ask me to call the lawyer for making appointment too. Then, I called the lawyer by telling him I'm going down on this friday!
7. After a while, they called back mentioning the prize withdrawing date dues today!!! They told me the manager already give 3 weeks allowance to collect. My temper rose and scold them its thier useless lawyer and how can I go down to Macau today! There's no more flight to Macau today and how can I make it where it's already late noon. I sounds angry and frustrated as if I'm going to lose the prize! Then, they kept appologized to me and they said they'll tried their best to help me in order to get the prize money.
8. Later, they phoned me again. They told me there's another similar case where the winner can't go collect himself. Gave me a Malaysian number - +60172408773 and ask me to seek advise from him. I called, he told me he is limb so he transfer the tax money to the Macau government and then after 90 minutes, the lawyer transferred back the full amount of prize money back to his bank account. (At the begining of the conversation, I insisted to chat in Cantonese, I doubt any one who lives in KL knows Cantonese but he just laugh and continue with China accent chinese)
9. After that, I called the lawyer again. sound nervously as if I'm going to lose all my prize money if I can't settle today, telling him my awful situation and beg for his help to come out the SGD2600 for me and I'll pay back to him later. He dig out all the Macau Laws again and continue to Bullsh*t for a period of time where I really don't know what the F* is he talking as if he really scared that I can listen clearly to what he said. Until the end of the chat, he slowed down. He said: If the hotel willing to issue a letter to let him proceed with the transaction + after I bank in the money to the Macau government, only he can transfer the prize money to me.
10. After that, they called me again. They said they can issue the letter if I'm able to bank in the money to the government and they willing to give me the government account number if I have the tax money. (How come they know the government account?!?) I told them I do not have SGD2600 as I'm very poor kid just started to work. Surprisingly, they ask me how much I have and they taught me how to borrow money from friends and relatives by not telling them I won SGD70k?!?! Then, they even try to brainwash me by telling me how this SGD70k can help me! Them, they gave me 30 minutes to gather money and they'll contact me before 4pm as the lawyer firm closed at 5pm.
11. from 2-4pm, every 30 minutes, they called me. Seems very concerned on my progress of gathering the money. They even told me they really want me to get the prize money, so that they can promote their hotel! At 4pm, the grand moment, I just answered them I don't want the money, I can't get SGD2600. So, they just said sorry and hung up the phone.......
What a realistic world. Really no money no talk. My fellow friends, please becareful and try not to be conned by this "lucky draw contest" specially they knocked on your door or phone to you. I just want to play and experience that's why I've been so cooperative to them. KIDS, DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!!!
1. They called me on 12 July and told me their company will be holding an lucky draw event on 15 July. It'll be shown as live telecast in Macau. I'm one of the lucky contestant they pick for foreigner. They talk so fast until I don even hear what channel showing live telecast, what is the event name and the company name. What I can hear loud and clear is my lucky numbers and the lucky draw date. They want me to attend the event. I'm not rich, not free and not mad enough to attend. So I rejected them. (Only the rich, the free and the mad one will attend their event in Macau) I wan't to ask them how they get my numbers but they talk so fast and so blurred via the phone and ask me to remember my lucky number, thats it.
2. After a few days, where I've forgotten about this issue, they called again on 16 July. They asked whether I watched the show? I told where the hack I have their Macau channel! They said nevermind as I've won their 3rd prize in the lucky draw! Then they start their skillful talk again which you can't really hear what the F* they said clearly. I just roughly heard I won a car. However I'm a foreigner, the car is useless to me. So the hotel is willing to convert to cash for me worth how much I can't hear. They tell me to go down and collect my own. I just tell them impossible. Then they continue to said that they need my address so that they can sent me a letter . So I told them my company address. I started to question them about their event name and Hotel names. They told me in Chinese and I insist the name in English. What I found is - "Seaview Nations in Macau spend a holiday center" An event name sounds weird right? So I tried to look up this in the Internet and I found nothing.
3. After this issue has been cooled down and I nearly forget about it, they called again on the 29 July. Asking me whether I received their cheque or not. Sincerely, I told them no. Them they said they'll cheque again as they issue the cheque via a lawyer firm. They'll find out and send the cheque to me in 3-4 days time. Then the left me a contact name - 许志豪 (which I think is fake) and a Macau contact number - +85362296401.
4. Really thought this should be over by now. Who knows, they called me on 5 August. They are very polite though. They ask me did I received any letter from them. With polite, I replied no to them. Seems shocked, they ask me to call to their "lawyer" which they entrusted the letter to by giving me another Macau phone number - +85366165384.
5. The fun begins when I called to the lawyer firm. A person answering my call said he's from a lawyer firm!!! I told them my situation and they proceed to check all the info for me. After a few minutes, a lawyer called back. He said I've won HKD 420k in total. The Macau government need a 3.5% tax on every draw prize and he calculated and converted for me into SGD. Roughly SGD2600 taxed and Prize won is SGD70k. Then he said my amount to sent over by cheque was too big, the Macau government only allow HKD120k transaction, higher then that need to go to Macau and settle it our own. Then I scold him why he din't mail or letter to me! He try to back his ass by Bullsh*tting his Macau laws again... He adviced me to arrange a meeting with him by coming down to Macau myself. Before we end the conversation, I insist him giving me his Firm's name in English and what he gave me is just and ask me to check myself cause he's very busy. ( is invalid)
6. So I called back to the hotel telling him the lawyer is useless. Then, they said they can arrange the meeting for me if I come down. So, this time I answered I'm coming down myself. Please arranged for me your hotel room! They seem shock and he'll seek advice from his manager and call me back in a moment. They ask me to call the lawyer for making appointment too. Then, I called the lawyer by telling him I'm going down on this friday!
7. After a while, they called back mentioning the prize withdrawing date dues today!!! They told me the manager already give 3 weeks allowance to collect. My temper rose and scold them its thier useless lawyer and how can I go down to Macau today! There's no more flight to Macau today and how can I make it where it's already late noon. I sounds angry and frustrated as if I'm going to lose the prize! Then, they kept appologized to me and they said they'll tried their best to help me in order to get the prize money.
8. Later, they phoned me again. They told me there's another similar case where the winner can't go collect himself. Gave me a Malaysian number - +60172408773 and ask me to seek advise from him. I called, he told me he is limb so he transfer the tax money to the Macau government and then after 90 minutes, the lawyer transferred back the full amount of prize money back to his bank account. (At the begining of the conversation, I insisted to chat in Cantonese, I doubt any one who lives in KL knows Cantonese but he just laugh and continue with China accent chinese)
9. After that, I called the lawyer again. sound nervously as if I'm going to lose all my prize money if I can't settle today, telling him my awful situation and beg for his help to come out the SGD2600 for me and I'll pay back to him later. He dig out all the Macau Laws again and continue to Bullsh*t for a period of time where I really don't know what the F* is he talking as if he really scared that I can listen clearly to what he said. Until the end of the chat, he slowed down. He said: If the hotel willing to issue a letter to let him proceed with the transaction + after I bank in the money to the Macau government, only he can transfer the prize money to me.
10. After that, they called me again. They said they can issue the letter if I'm able to bank in the money to the government and they willing to give me the government account number if I have the tax money. (How come they know the government account?!?) I told them I do not have SGD2600 as I'm very poor kid just started to work. Surprisingly, they ask me how much I have and they taught me how to borrow money from friends and relatives by not telling them I won SGD70k?!?! Then, they even try to brainwash me by telling me how this SGD70k can help me! Them, they gave me 30 minutes to gather money and they'll contact me before 4pm as the lawyer firm closed at 5pm.
11. from 2-4pm, every 30 minutes, they called me. Seems very concerned on my progress of gathering the money. They even told me they really want me to get the prize money, so that they can promote their hotel! At 4pm, the grand moment, I just answered them I don't want the money, I can't get SGD2600. So, they just said sorry and hung up the phone.......
What a realistic world. Really no money no talk. My fellow friends, please becareful and try not to be conned by this "lucky draw contest" specially they knocked on your door or phone to you. I just want to play and experience that's why I've been so cooperative to them. KIDS, DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!!!
Jul 31, 2008
Selling DELL notebook at low price!
Deal A. Dell XPS M1330 Specs:
C2D T7250 2.0GHz
Vista Ultimate
Microsoft Works
GeForce 8400
bluetooth / Wiki
13.3" WXGA with TrueLife + 2MP cam
and 1 yr Local warranty
Ship to your door step at only RM3999!!!
Deal B. Dell Latitude D630 Specs:
C2D T7250 2.0GHz
XP Home
Office 2007 SBE
2GB Ram
Intel GMA X3100
Wifi / Bluetooth
14.1" WXGA
and 1 yr Local warranty at only
Ship to your door step at only RM3799!!!
Interested please SMS to +60125699975 with details below:
Deal A/B, Full name as NRIC, Address to be shipped at.
Type of transaction preferably via Maybank2u/Cimbclicks
C2D T7250 2.0GHz
Vista Ultimate
Microsoft Works
GeForce 8400
bluetooth / Wiki
13.3" WXGA with TrueLife + 2MP cam
and 1 yr Local warranty
Ship to your door step at only RM3999!!!
Deal B. Dell Latitude D630 Specs:
C2D T7250 2.0GHz
XP Home
Office 2007 SBE
2GB Ram
Intel GMA X3100
Wifi / Bluetooth
14.1" WXGA
and 1 yr Local warranty at only
Ship to your door step at only RM3799!!!
Interested please SMS to +60125699975 with details below:
Deal A/B, Full name as NRIC, Address to be shipped at.
Type of transaction preferably via Maybank2u/Cimbclicks
Jul 28, 2008
Please stop picking others
After the March 8 poll, the losing party seems like very free. They not only do not admit the lost, they use they free time picking on current government faults instead of thinkin ways to help their party to regain trust or improve the state.
This only make me think that previously the choice of the people are wrong by letting them lead the country for 40 over years! They not only not productive, they've have strong sense of jealousy as well.
When the ex-government where holding the power, the opposition do try to dig out any corrupcy of the government. If they do, I think every seats in the government will be questioned and hopefully jailed. (Which is not possible to be locked up as it can be settle via corruption again) Now, they are are "jobless" so they try to win back people heart by digging other people faults. They submitted lists of people who abuse the power, bribary and many more in 4 months time just to defame the state government. What a childish and foolish act. Please stop la. Start thinking and try to cooperate for the better and the sake of the people and country. Or, just go find a job!
This only make me think that previously the choice of the people are wrong by letting them lead the country for 40 over years! They not only not productive, they've have strong sense of jealousy as well.
When the ex-government where holding the power, the opposition do try to dig out any corrupcy of the government. If they do, I think every seats in the government will be questioned and hopefully jailed. (Which is not possible to be locked up as it can be settle via corruption again) Now, they are are "jobless" so they try to win back people heart by digging other people faults. They submitted lists of people who abuse the power, bribary and many more in 4 months time just to defame the state government. What a childish and foolish act. Please stop la. Start thinking and try to cooperate for the better and the sake of the people and country. Or, just go find a job!
Jul 22, 2008
Home Coming
Last Thursday, it's my second flight in my life. The 1st time was about 10 years ago, departed from Senai, Johor Airport, the same place I board the plane as this time.
After 5 months away from Penang, I'm home coming the 2nd time during this year. Compared to Chinese New Year in Penang, I'm more enjoying this time. I can say that I managed and plan my time well. I performed all the things that I need to be done. I managed to gather with most of my friends. I am able to have quality times with my family too. Most importantly, I am able to taste most of the famous food in Penang.
After 5 months away from Penang, I'm home coming the 2nd time during this year. Compared to Chinese New Year in Penang, I'm more enjoying this time. I can say that I managed and plan my time well. I performed all the things that I need to be done. I managed to gather with most of my friends. I am able to have quality times with my family too. Most importantly, I am able to taste most of the famous food in Penang.
Although its short, but I truely enjoyed it. I miss my hometown. I miss the food. I miss my friends and I miss my family alot. I miss those days living in Penang. Undoubtly, I'll plan for my next trip back to my hometown sooner then possible.
Jul 8, 2008
Georgetown Heritage Perserved?

"KUALA LUMPUR: The Government will have foreign assistance in its efforts to preserve George Town and Malacca as World Heritage Sites.
According to Unity, Culture, Arts and Heritage Ministry Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal, besides foreign help, there are also plans to cooperate with Penang and Malacca chief ministers to work on the preservation efforts.
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (Unesco) accorded the two cities the status Monday when the Paris-based World Heritage Council met in Quebec, Canada.
He said that the international recognition would boost the tourism industry and help the West know Malaysian culture better.
To a question, he said that the Government would do everything to ensure that George Town and Malacca would not lose the prestigious title.
George Town and Malacca were among the eight sites chosen by Unesco as the latest World Heritage Sites. The other sites are in Croatia, France, Papua New Guinea, San Marino, Slovakia and Germany."
I was a bit sad and wondering what did the government really do. Do they put effort in preserving the old heritage? I grew up in Georgetown, Penang. Before the election, the ex-government just approved a construction to build a super condominium along the busiest and crowdest street by compensating an over 100years old-British Coloniel era, international school for the tower. How can the ex-government approved this? And then now they are saying they'll try to protect after the UNESCO anounced Georgetown as heritage city. If the UNESCO never mention it, then they do not need to protect the heritage? Is this the correct way of doing? After all the building has already levelled...
According to Unity, Culture, Arts and Heritage Ministry Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal, besides foreign help, there are also plans to cooperate with Penang and Malacca chief ministers to work on the preservation efforts.
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (Unesco) accorded the two cities the status Monday when the Paris-based World Heritage Council met in Quebec, Canada.
He said that the international recognition would boost the tourism industry and help the West know Malaysian culture better.
To a question, he said that the Government would do everything to ensure that George Town and Malacca would not lose the prestigious title.
George Town and Malacca were among the eight sites chosen by Unesco as the latest World Heritage Sites. The other sites are in Croatia, France, Papua New Guinea, San Marino, Slovakia and Germany."
I was a bit sad and wondering what did the government really do. Do they put effort in preserving the old heritage? I grew up in Georgetown, Penang. Before the election, the ex-government just approved a construction to build a super condominium along the busiest and crowdest street by compensating an over 100years old-British Coloniel era, international school for the tower. How can the ex-government approved this? And then now they are saying they'll try to protect after the UNESCO anounced Georgetown as heritage city. If the UNESCO never mention it, then they do not need to protect the heritage? Is this the correct way of doing? After all the building has already levelled...
Jul 5, 2008
National Kids Argument
Recently, the Malaysia news paper headline keep publishing 2 National Portraits Arguments. Both of them keep accusing each other on sexual and murdering topic.
This is the very dark side of politics. No matter you are innocent or guilty, once the paint splat on you, you'll be dirty for the rest of the life. However, these do not concern the nation population. This is only between those 2 immature kids.
Currently, what concern the nation the most is the soaring of food and oil price. Those so call leaders or heads of the nation should focus on how to help people under the inflation. Not keep black mailing each other daily. These actions taken really disappoint the nation.
The people do not care you are opposition or the alliance. Now what they want is unity between Malaysian citizen, to sit down together and forget about the vengeance to discuss on how to help the nation instead keep arguing among owns blood. Stop the quarrel and help us!
This is the very dark side of politics. No matter you are innocent or guilty, once the paint splat on you, you'll be dirty for the rest of the life. However, these do not concern the nation population. This is only between those 2 immature kids.
Currently, what concern the nation the most is the soaring of food and oil price. Those so call leaders or heads of the nation should focus on how to help people under the inflation. Not keep black mailing each other daily. These actions taken really disappoint the nation.
The people do not care you are opposition or the alliance. Now what they want is unity between Malaysian citizen, to sit down together and forget about the vengeance to discuss on how to help the nation instead keep arguing among owns blood. Stop the quarrel and help us!
Jul 2, 2008
Photo taken by Blind

Many of us with eye sight also cant shoot a good photo. Even my photographing skills is also uncomparable to them. If I were to use my ears only to take photo, I think I'll be creating jokes and laughters to people. We are too depending on our eyes. Without eyes, we might think like we are losing the world. How about them? They do not have eyes but they captured the world using their ears and heart.
I admire these people. Although they are blind, their passion and heart towards photography did not stop them to do what normal people do. Unlike many normal being who always give up hope and life easily when they face difficulties. They taught me to be passioned while doing something. From them, I learnt to be full-heartily and never afraid of failure when doing something in order to become success.
Jun 20, 2008
Climbing Up Desire
Most of the people in the world try very hard to climb up the ladder in an organization. The reasons behind are seeking for more money, more power and higher job security.
Have you ever think of you are trying so hard to defeat others colleagues in the company and shine in the eye of your bosses in order to get the managerial title, but why don't you put the effort as you put into your job to climb up the other kind of ladder, the social ladder.
Typically in organization stair are as below:
Shareholders -> CEOs -> managing directors -> section managers -> workers.
When you first step into the society, basically you'll start as a worker, then slowly climb all the way upto CEO. It is very very difficult to become a shareholder unless you are rich enough to open your own company. How many years do you think you can reach the CEOs stage? The higher you climb, the more difficult and scarce it become.
Compare to the social ladder:
Upper class (the rich) -> upper middle class -> lower middle class -> working class -> lower class(poor)

This graph was created 3 years ago. Where The Thompson & Hickey model describe bachelor degree holder fall under the lower middle class with annual income at $30k. Some people are lucky and some don't like me. Unfortunately, for my salary range, I fall under the working class.
So no matter how hard you try to achieve in an organization, you'll still fall under the Upper middle class only. So, instead of putting your efforts in reaching the top of the organization, you can use it in climbing up the social ladder. You might be using lesser time to reach the upper class compare to the CEO level yet what you gain can be a few hundred or even thousand times more then what you get as a CEO. Isn't that better to you?
Have you ever think of you are trying so hard to defeat others colleagues in the company and shine in the eye of your bosses in order to get the managerial title, but why don't you put the effort as you put into your job to climb up the other kind of ladder, the social ladder.
Typically in organization stair are as below:
Shareholders -> CEOs -> managing directors -> section managers -> workers.
When you first step into the society, basically you'll start as a worker, then slowly climb all the way upto CEO. It is very very difficult to become a shareholder unless you are rich enough to open your own company. How many years do you think you can reach the CEOs stage? The higher you climb, the more difficult and scarce it become.
Compare to the social ladder:
Upper class (the rich) -> upper middle class -> lower middle class -> working class -> lower class(poor)

This graph was created 3 years ago. Where The Thompson & Hickey model describe bachelor degree holder fall under the lower middle class with annual income at $30k. Some people are lucky and some don't like me. Unfortunately, for my salary range, I fall under the working class.
So no matter how hard you try to achieve in an organization, you'll still fall under the Upper middle class only. So, instead of putting your efforts in reaching the top of the organization, you can use it in climbing up the social ladder. You might be using lesser time to reach the upper class compare to the CEO level yet what you gain can be a few hundred or even thousand times more then what you get as a CEO. Isn't that better to you?
Jun 16, 2008
How you walk?
Recently, I noticed that there are 2 types of stepping style among people. 1st style is the heel touch the ground before the toes do. The other kind is totally the opposite way, toes come down before heel hit the ground. When you're free you can try to look on how you and the other's walk.
The top has set upon an arguement between me and my friends regarding on the proper way of walking. However no conclusion is being made as we observed that there are really two kind of style. Most of the high-heel class they walk with toes touch the earth 1st. If a girl wear high heel frequently, there are tentatively walk like that.
Legs are the limbs that support our whole body. No matter on how you walk, you still need to buy a good pairs of comfortable shoes with the right size which suites your legs.
The top has set upon an arguement between me and my friends regarding on the proper way of walking. However no conclusion is being made as we observed that there are really two kind of style. Most of the high-heel class they walk with toes touch the earth 1st. If a girl wear high heel frequently, there are tentatively walk like that.
Legs are the limbs that support our whole body. No matter on how you walk, you still need to buy a good pairs of comfortable shoes with the right size which suites your legs.
Jun 12, 2008
3 minutes earlier makes 20 minutes difference!
This morning, I woke up a few minutes earlier then normal. When I walked to the bus station near by get ready for the daily travelling of nearly 100 minutes. When I reach the bus stop, I found myself 3 minutes earlier then usual. So I get to onboard the other bus which taking other route to the MRT interchange. As per usual, I took MRT then continue with 6 bus stops to reach my company. Amazing, I was 20 minutes earlier compare to usual. With just 3 minutes earlier, I can take a bus with shorter route. That makes me reaching the MRT station a few more minutes earlier then normal. The earlier in the morning, the less crowded it is and hence, the train stop in shorter duration in each stations.
Amazingly with just 3 minutes earlier then usual, I actually makes a 20 minutes difference!!!
Amazingly with just 3 minutes earlier then usual, I actually makes a 20 minutes difference!!!
Jun 5, 2008
Green and Inflation
I strongly believe that become eco friendly is a best way to coupe against inflation. Year 2008 marked the most happening yet the worse year since this century. Inflation has become world wide issue as well as green peace.
Signs have been shown by our mother earth that she's terribly sick right now. Weather changes and frequent environment disasters occur almost weekly around the globe. Plants and crops are dying under the destruction of the mother nature. The root still point back to ourselves which cause all these to happen. Due to human development, resources around the world have been used up thoroughly without having new discoveries and alternatives. Due to human wasteful habits, the energy consumption level of the world are increasing dramatically. Due to human negligences, the natural resources deplete more rapidly as compared to the pass.
With all these facts, nasty traders use all these excuses to fill up their own pockets by making the poor suffer from inflation. What are good excuses for them. So if we start to look into the matter by trying to care about the nature, save energies and always practice the 3R campaigns, we not only save our earth; we might be saving our pockets as well as those nasties do not have stupid excuse to fill up their own pockets. :D
Signs have been shown by our mother earth that she's terribly sick right now. Weather changes and frequent environment disasters occur almost weekly around the globe. Plants and crops are dying under the destruction of the mother nature. The root still point back to ourselves which cause all these to happen. Due to human development, resources around the world have been used up thoroughly without having new discoveries and alternatives. Due to human wasteful habits, the energy consumption level of the world are increasing dramatically. Due to human negligences, the natural resources deplete more rapidly as compared to the pass.
With all these facts, nasty traders use all these excuses to fill up their own pockets by making the poor suffer from inflation. What are good excuses for them. So if we start to look into the matter by trying to care about the nature, save energies and always practice the 3R campaigns, we not only save our earth; we might be saving our pockets as well as those nasties do not have stupid excuse to fill up their own pockets. :D
Jun 3, 2008
Au Revoir
Friend, when you reach UK, promise me to really start to look for a job there before you come back. I really hope I can get a great offer there and come back and gather along with me at least once every chinese new year. I also hope you can continue your master degree if you desire. I wish you good luck and all the best there. Take more photos and remember one advice, don't play or travel until 3 months over without getting an offer to come back to Malaysia. It's a golden opportunity when you can go there. Aur Revoir!
May 13, 2008
Blue Black May 08
In just one May, people in Myanmar still the blues of the cyclone and the China great earthquake will be marked as a black date before the Olympic start. Further more, only five months passed through out the 2008, many bad weathers and disasters happened through out the whole world. It seems like the earth is giving it signal or trying to tell the human being something via air, water and ground as a medium.
Just in recent, crops harvest turn bad. Rice become scarce and deeply stubbed onto the wound of inflation. Human has became the root which caused the earth to become ill. Global warming has become the hottest topic for environmentalists, corporates, government and nations are fighting against it before it turn to even worse. Even the beauty contest contestants are talking about green peace now instead of world peace.
We do can play our part by practicing 3Rs - Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Start practicing them help the sustain earth in green before the earth turns blue or black or our next of kin will suffer the consequence from ourselves.
Apr 30, 2008
Organization is a very meaningful words for all the successful person in the late 20th and 21st century. This word is so radical that all the riches are strongly tie to it. It has become the keyword for them moment of glory in life. Out of so many words in the dictionary for success, for example: diligent, patient, determination, intelligent and etc, I pick this word because it hold far more important role for people to success.
Organization means a group or a team of people planning, working, associating and contributing together in well mannered or systematically with a particular purpose for the running of the cooperate or business. In brief, a company is running the business with many heads and hands with the same goals in a well organized method.
There are too many examples to be given for all the successful person or company which initially it start up with more then 1 person. Think of it yourselves. Especially in this information rich era where knowledge is accessible everywhere and anywhere. Human brains have limitation. We can not know everything by ourselves. Thats why, more brains think together is always better then 1 brain thinking alone.
However, multiple brains which are not working in a same direction and under unplanned method also plays a critical part. It will be like the incident of a person do not know what type of transportation to be use to reach nowhere. He does not know he is going to reach by land, air or sea. For worse, he does not know where to go as well.
In this big fish eat small fish world, working alone is suiciding. Working together without proper planning and targets is a homicide. I just hope that one day, I can group a bunch of quality people by forming an organization together so that each person dreams can be fulfilled with the help from each other.
Organization means a group or a team of people planning, working, associating and contributing together in well mannered or systematically with a particular purpose for the running of the cooperate or business. In brief, a company is running the business with many heads and hands with the same goals in a well organized method.
There are too many examples to be given for all the successful person or company which initially it start up with more then 1 person. Think of it yourselves. Especially in this information rich era where knowledge is accessible everywhere and anywhere. Human brains have limitation. We can not know everything by ourselves. Thats why, more brains think together is always better then 1 brain thinking alone.
However, multiple brains which are not working in a same direction and under unplanned method also plays a critical part. It will be like the incident of a person do not know what type of transportation to be use to reach nowhere. He does not know he is going to reach by land, air or sea. For worse, he does not know where to go as well.
In this big fish eat small fish world, working alone is suiciding. Working together without proper planning and targets is a homicide. I just hope that one day, I can group a bunch of quality people by forming an organization together so that each person dreams can be fulfilled with the help from each other.
Apr 23, 2008
Think and Grow Rich
I start to wrote the summary of this book although I do not finish reading it. The summary actually is every chapters of the book. This is an awesome book which took 2 and a half decades for Napoleon Hill to accomplish it. Basically, it reveal the secrets of the all the successful person in the world practiced and possessed.
The are total of 15 important skills/habits/emotions/thinking that a successful person should have and must not have. It's summarized as below:
1. Desire: Starting point of all achievement
2. Faith: Visualizing and believing in the attainment of desire
3. Autosuggestion: The medium for influencing the subconscious mind
4. Specialized knowledge: Personal experiences or observations
5. Imagination: The workshop of the mind
6. Organized planning: The crystallization of desire into action
7. Decision: The mastery of procrastination
8. Persistence: The sustained effort necessary to induce faith
9. Power of the master mind: The driving force
10. The mystery of sex transmutation
11. The subconscious mind: the connecting
12. The brain: A broadcasting and receiving station for thought
13. The sixth sense: The door to the temple of wisdom
14. How to outwit the six ghosts of fear
15. The devil's workshop
This is really a double must read book for one if he really want to become success in his life path. Its not only applicable for those who is running business but also a great guidance for those working for others.
The are total of 15 important skills/habits/emotions/thinking that a successful person should have and must not have. It's summarized as below:
1. Desire: Starting point of all achievement
2. Faith: Visualizing and believing in the attainment of desire
3. Autosuggestion: The medium for influencing the subconscious mind
4. Specialized knowledge: Personal experiences or observations
5. Imagination: The workshop of the mind
6. Organized planning: The crystallization of desire into action
7. Decision: The mastery of procrastination
8. Persistence: The sustained effort necessary to induce faith
9. Power of the master mind: The driving force
10. The mystery of sex transmutation
11. The subconscious mind: the connecting
12. The brain: A broadcasting and receiving station for thought
13. The sixth sense: The door to the temple of wisdom
14. How to outwit the six ghosts of fear
15. The devil's workshop
This is really a double must read book for one if he really want to become success in his life path. Its not only applicable for those who is running business but also a great guidance for those working for others.
Apr 18, 2008
2 hours before we went into cinema for "Kungfu Kingdom", I was talking about our dreams with a friend who just moved to Singapore recently. My dear friend should know who am I talking. Haha...
Every people have dreams. Dreams is trend regardless of age, sex, races and even time line. No matter you are rich or poor, thin or fat, you'll have a dream. The things that differ from each of our dreams is unique and special. It is rely on the "dreamer". Everyone has their own passion and desire. Therefore, everyone dream differently.
However, there's always exceptional. A common dream that share among most of the people - getting rich. The poor dream of getting rich; the rich then dream of getting even richer. Just that, the term rich is interpret separately.
A successful person, dare to dream and dare to take actions. The "day dreamer" only dream, dream, dream. They never care whether they can achieve the dream or not. So they can just admire others.
Undeniable, I have many dreams. I have my own dreams which is definitely differ from yours. The only thing is I want to be the first kinda people. I do not want to admire other for the rest of my life. Come to the root point, HOW TO START? WHAT TO DO? WHEN CAN ONLY I ACHIEVE?
Every people have dreams. Dreams is trend regardless of age, sex, races and even time line. No matter you are rich or poor, thin or fat, you'll have a dream. The things that differ from each of our dreams is unique and special. It is rely on the "dreamer". Everyone has their own passion and desire. Therefore, everyone dream differently.
However, there's always exceptional. A common dream that share among most of the people - getting rich. The poor dream of getting rich; the rich then dream of getting even richer. Just that, the term rich is interpret separately.
A successful person, dare to dream and dare to take actions. The "day dreamer" only dream, dream, dream. They never care whether they can achieve the dream or not. So they can just admire others.
Undeniable, I have many dreams. I have my own dreams which is definitely differ from yours. The only thing is I want to be the first kinda people. I do not want to admire other for the rest of my life. Come to the root point, HOW TO START? WHAT TO DO? WHEN CAN ONLY I ACHIEVE?
Apr 11, 2008
The Widening Gap
Today, I read an article regarding on the U.S. Middle-Class Gloom from The Straits Times newspaper. Currently, mid-class American suffer 3 major nightmares; declining house value, increasing food and energy price and growing unemployment.
The declining house value has cause a person total assets value to shrink. The resell and rental price decline as the results from that. The poor and the lower mid-class receive the most severe pain from increasing food and energy price. They either have to tighten their stomach or save less in order to sustain. The weakening of U.S. economy cause high unemployment in America. A lots of factories and firms are force to close down. Blooming of Asia country and shifting of location out of U.S. territory due to cheaper labor cost has hasten the unemployment rate there. These impacts hit the hardest towards the lower class of the society as the rich try to keep their wealth secure.
Some rich are getting richer for example Warren Buffet become the richest person in the world by overtaking Bill Gates during current depression state. While other rich are not getting richer but they are not turning to poorer as well. However, this scenario is not seen in the lower upper, middle class and the poor. The lower upper has drop to middle class, the middle class drop lower and subsequently. As the result, the financial gap between the society is broadening. This is not healthy at all.
In future, history might repeat again if no action is taken. It will form a modern feudalism - the poor work for the rich (the farmers work for the lord). No more middle class. The status might really become become very clear among the employees and employer. Then, reformation of new concept and society happened again due to rebellion of the workers. Though it might be still far away from as it is still vague.
Since no one is taking action to avoid and to overcome this issue, the only thing we can do is try not to be poor. Try to find a new way to break through unless in 10-20 years time you want to suffer what as U.S. citizen is suffering now.
The declining house value has cause a person total assets value to shrink. The resell and rental price decline as the results from that. The poor and the lower mid-class receive the most severe pain from increasing food and energy price. They either have to tighten their stomach or save less in order to sustain. The weakening of U.S. economy cause high unemployment in America. A lots of factories and firms are force to close down. Blooming of Asia country and shifting of location out of U.S. territory due to cheaper labor cost has hasten the unemployment rate there. These impacts hit the hardest towards the lower class of the society as the rich try to keep their wealth secure.
Some rich are getting richer for example Warren Buffet become the richest person in the world by overtaking Bill Gates during current depression state. While other rich are not getting richer but they are not turning to poorer as well. However, this scenario is not seen in the lower upper, middle class and the poor. The lower upper has drop to middle class, the middle class drop lower and subsequently. As the result, the financial gap between the society is broadening. This is not healthy at all.
In future, history might repeat again if no action is taken. It will form a modern feudalism - the poor work for the rich (the farmers work for the lord). No more middle class. The status might really become become very clear among the employees and employer. Then, reformation of new concept and society happened again due to rebellion of the workers. Though it might be still far away from as it is still vague.
Since no one is taking action to avoid and to overcome this issue, the only thing we can do is try not to be poor. Try to find a new way to break through unless in 10-20 years time you want to suffer what as U.S. citizen is suffering now.
Apr 10, 2008
Employee; Employer; Self Employed
In the society, there are 3 groups of people. The Employees, The Employers and the Self Employed.
1. Majority of the society.
2. Works for employer and earn by getting fixed pay end of month.
3. No freedom.
4. Always think about salary raise from employer.
5. Always hope to earn big money by hitting JACKPOT.
6. Pay lots of tax.
1. Minority of the society.
2. Hires employee to help them earn money. The income varies according to business profit of company
3. Not fully freed. (Only free if company runs in big corporation)
4. Always think of how to fully "Utilized" the employees.
5. Always plan on business growth with minimal expenditure.
6. Try to avoid tax.
Self Employed:
1. New ethnic form not long ago thanks to Multi-Level Marketing
2. They earn their own money. Income also varies.
3. Total FREEDOM!
4. Always think of how to help to train a new leader to further increase his income directly and own income indirectly.
5. This structure will Auto generate income once very stable.
6. Hardly get taxed.
Please give more comments and suggestions. Correct me if I'm wrong.
1. Majority of the society.
2. Works for employer and earn by getting fixed pay end of month.
3. No freedom.
4. Always think about salary raise from employer.
5. Always hope to earn big money by hitting JACKPOT.
6. Pay lots of tax.
1. Minority of the society.
2. Hires employee to help them earn money. The income varies according to business profit of company
3. Not fully freed. (Only free if company runs in big corporation)
4. Always think of how to fully "Utilized" the employees.
5. Always plan on business growth with minimal expenditure.
6. Try to avoid tax.
Self Employed:
1. New ethnic form not long ago thanks to Multi-Level Marketing
2. They earn their own money. Income also varies.
3. Total FREEDOM!
4. Always think of how to help to train a new leader to further increase his income directly and own income indirectly.
5. This structure will Auto generate income once very stable.
6. Hardly get taxed.
Please give more comments and suggestions. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Apr 3, 2008
The worm inside me
There's a worm inside me. Usually people called it as lazy worm. It has been earthing inside my body, my heart and my mind for almost 24 years. To me it's a vermin. I was trying to eliminated long time ago. No matter how I fought against it, I always failed. I hardly won against it. The victorious was just a temporariness. I just manage to shrink it, sometimes just to stop it from growing but it'll still come back to me oneday.
The road to success is not easy. The greatest enemy is not cause by others but yourself. The lazy worm living deep down inside yourself. In order to overcome it, strong Diligent, Determination and Edurance are the pesticides to kill that worm. Either 1 of them is just enough to stop its growth. Any 2 of the remedies is just good enough to shrink it. However, in order to terminate it in total, all 3 of them are required.
It's very very difficult to posses all together at the same time. For a person to be successful in his life, (beside those who born with silver spoon), thorns and sterns are unavoidable. Sacrifcation and permanent resistance over temptations are also plays vital roles. I always failed because in this colourful world, there are abundances of attractions which cause me to lose over my temptation. Therefore, I need to use my left brain to control my right brain in this case. Rational and logic must overcome emotion and desire.
I really need to kill that lazy worm right now and forever, or else this worm is not eating soil, it's eating dream away...
The road to success is not easy. The greatest enemy is not cause by others but yourself. The lazy worm living deep down inside yourself. In order to overcome it, strong Diligent, Determination and Edurance are the pesticides to kill that worm. Either 1 of them is just enough to stop its growth. Any 2 of the remedies is just good enough to shrink it. However, in order to terminate it in total, all 3 of them are required.
It's very very difficult to posses all together at the same time. For a person to be successful in his life, (beside those who born with silver spoon), thorns and sterns are unavoidable. Sacrifcation and permanent resistance over temptations are also plays vital roles. I always failed because in this colourful world, there are abundances of attractions which cause me to lose over my temptation. Therefore, I need to use my left brain to control my right brain in this case. Rational and logic must overcome emotion and desire.
I really need to kill that lazy worm right now and forever, or else this worm is not eating soil, it's eating dream away...
Mar 29, 2008
Techno Geek, Shopping Freak
While I go dating with my girlfriend in shopping mall, both of us have our own shop of interest. She like to look into the shops selling shoes, clothes and bags. For me, I like to walk into any shops which is selling computers, handphones, games and electronics items (better known as gadgets).
It's not just me n her. What I observed is most of the gadgets shop consist of guys more then girls. Girls went into gadget shop just to accompany their husband or boyfriend. On the other way round, guys went into those shops selling items which is meant to be "beautify" oneself only because their beloved one wanted to go in.
How come like this? How come man like like technology gadgets while woman like clothes, bags n etc? Can anyone explain to me? Even myself also do not know why. I just get excited when I am looking at new technology stuff and she just feel happy when bought home some shoes or clothes.
However, there is always exceptional. Some female talks about gadgets and some male eventually like fashion. These few percentage of people in the society is actually growing. Men are learning to making up themselves to look cool and attractive. Women start to study and learn to technology to further ease their life or better life enjoyment.
We do not know why in natural that guys are techno geeks and girls are shopping freaks. But one thing for sure is, some people regardless of sexuality they are looking into both.
It's not just me n her. What I observed is most of the gadgets shop consist of guys more then girls. Girls went into gadget shop just to accompany their husband or boyfriend. On the other way round, guys went into those shops selling items which is meant to be "beautify" oneself only because their beloved one wanted to go in.
How come like this? How come man like like technology gadgets while woman like clothes, bags n etc? Can anyone explain to me? Even myself also do not know why. I just get excited when I am looking at new technology stuff and she just feel happy when bought home some shoes or clothes.
However, there is always exceptional. Some female talks about gadgets and some male eventually like fashion. These few percentage of people in the society is actually growing. Men are learning to making up themselves to look cool and attractive. Women start to study and learn to technology to further ease their life or better life enjoyment.
We do not know why in natural that guys are techno geeks and girls are shopping freaks. But one thing for sure is, some people regardless of sexuality they are looking into both.
Mar 27, 2008
Cashflow quadrant by Robert T. Kiyosaki

Recently, I just finished another great books of Robert - The Cashflow Quadrant. Inside this book, Roberts further elaborate the flowing of the cash under different quadrant. Besides that, people under different side of the quadrant think differently. The left side seek for security while the right side is looking for freedom. Not only that, he also taught us to differentiate what are your liabilities and what are truely your assets. Basic steps have been taught inside the books to guide us run out of the rat race. All begins with YOU and ME.
One great book are introduced by Robert mentioning inside his book. It's written by Napolean Hill - Think and Grow Rich. Without thinking twice, I purchased this book and add in into my collections. (My Harry Potter still have 700 pages to go (-_-") ) Two board games are introduced by him as well. The Monopoly and The Cashflow 101 created by himself. The Monopoly is easy to grab anywhere. The headache part for me is how to get The Cashflow 101 in Malaysia and Singapore.(So far only online purchase which is not wise due to shipping fee) The next question comes in when I've these 2 board games; who is willing to play with me and learn together? Haih....
PS: Cashflow 101 is easy to obtain in US! Anthony Chew, maybe I need your help :P.
Mar 17, 2008
Time to invest.
This is the chart of the NYSE graph from 1986 till now. The very stock exchange that will affect the world market. From the graph, you can see that there's micro peak and there's definitely a slump of economy after the peak. Significantly, it takes longer to hit reach the peak then drop to the bottom.
Normally, what we heard from financial adviser is invest when the economy is good and when its in rising state. Many people will blindly follow what people do and what people say. They invest at that moment. They took that risk of buying high and selling low. Many lost their money as they fought inside their heart that "it may still rise for sure". For some lucky one, they earn at the gap before it reach the peak.
However, for a true investor, they gain money when there's a bear market. Not that they earn money that time, they just bought the share at that moment, where everyone is cheap selling their share at hand. By the time the market turn good, they sell. They sold to "us" where people start to rush in. Thats why rich people always earn money when economy not good. They took the "risk". Compare to the "risk" where we took earlier and determine by yourself which one is riskier. Which one earn more? Buy at low or buy at the gap during the rising state of the share to hit its peak?
The investor, the rich practices this. Why don't you as well? 2008, market is at its 10 years blue.
Mar 4, 2008
The Hidden Crisis of Future Real Estate

Urbanization has attracted a lot of younger generation give up the living in country side to seek for higher pay in the big city. This cause the land in the city become scarce and increase dramatically over decades. However, as year goes by, the basic salary for fresh is not much different. Merely there's increment in our salary.
The land prices keep on increase. The value of money keep dropping due to inflation and the basic salary for employees hardly increase. This make the younger generation like me have to purchase a house at a higher value compare to my parents during their time. If the price of the real estate at the same location do not change, then your size of your house definitely change. Your parents may be purchasing a 1000 sq ft house at 80k. Now, 1000 sq ft at the same location, you might be paying up to 150k. In the other way, you maybe paying 80k for 700 sq ft only. This is definitely not a good sign. We are taking longer years and larger portion of our salary to pay the housing installments.
You might think that I am wrong. You still can get a 1000 sq ft house with 80k but do you think that the area is near to town or near to your work place? In the end, you are actually paying more in your transportation fee in order to reach your work place. This is a horrible truth that I can not accept yet still need to face it.
In future, your children might be even worse if this "crisis" keep going. Higher living cost, higher housing installment, merely increase in basic salary/income, lower value of money will definitely become the facts that all middle class and lower class have to face now and the future. If you can not bare it, then just work until you die; work until you next generation have to carry the burden to cover the debts you left for them. Thats the reality and truth which non foresee and take it into their consideration.
Note: This not only apply in real estate. Education and crude price in every aspect as well.
Feb 27, 2008
The Emotional Intelligent
It's has been a busy week. Last week, my aunt and uncle from Ausie come to Singapore for a short trip and visit. Not only them, a very best friend of mine came to Singapore for job interview and short vacation as well. Lets hurray for Yeow Chuan as he just got offerer to work in Singapore.
I've been borrowing a book from him before I graduate. By accident, I did not noticed that it was all along inside my car. I kept it inside my car for years and I just couldn't finished reading this book - "The Emotional Intelligent". So, before I head back to Penang for chinese new year, I tried to complete it yet I failed to finish the whole book. After coming back to Singapore for a week, I've been a slump. I stop reading in MRT and bus. I was so lazy that week :p. Suddenly, I received a call from him again one day. (Forgot when already) He told me he is coming to Singapore for interview. That is the time where I'm so determined to return what I owed him for years and continue the rest of the chapters. Good enough I managed to complete all before he went back to Penang again.
As a summary, the book is describing our very right side of the human brain which control all the emotional and rational thinking. I found the book very interesting as it taught me how to be rational and optimistic when we are having negative emotional (example: angry, scare, anxious and many more which stimulate our body metabolism and secrete more enzyme in our body). Not only that, the book also taught me how to control and suppress all the negative emotions as all these negative emotions shorten your lifespan, according to researches.
In a nutshell, this book is teaching you on how to grow your EQ. IQ are predetermined but EQ are not. People with high IQ not necessary have high EQ, but all the success people in the world definitely have high EQ.
I've been borrowing a book from him before I graduate. By accident, I did not noticed that it was all along inside my car. I kept it inside my car for years and I just couldn't finished reading this book - "The Emotional Intelligent". So, before I head back to Penang for chinese new year, I tried to complete it yet I failed to finish the whole book. After coming back to Singapore for a week, I've been a slump. I stop reading in MRT and bus. I was so lazy that week :p. Suddenly, I received a call from him again one day. (Forgot when already) He told me he is coming to Singapore for interview. That is the time where I'm so determined to return what I owed him for years and continue the rest of the chapters. Good enough I managed to complete all before he went back to Penang again.
As a summary, the book is describing our very right side of the human brain which control all the emotional and rational thinking. I found the book very interesting as it taught me how to be rational and optimistic when we are having negative emotional (example: angry, scare, anxious and many more which stimulate our body metabolism and secrete more enzyme in our body). Not only that, the book also taught me how to control and suppress all the negative emotions as all these negative emotions shorten your lifespan, according to researches.
In a nutshell, this book is teaching you on how to grow your EQ. IQ are predetermined but EQ are not. People with high IQ not necessary have high EQ, but all the success people in the world definitely have high EQ.
Feb 26, 2008
Good at commenting other but Bad at acting on ownself
Many people like to comment. They comment everything and anything which can be commented. While they are commenting, they like to talk and teach others how and what action should be taken or practiced. Basically it sounds like this "Aiyoo, I think arr... it should be like this leh, not like that la. It should not be done like this, it must be done like that la. It can't be like this leh, I think it should be like that lo. And so on..." Not only at comments, they like to teach people what to do; talk on how should be done as well.
But, when it comes to real life practice, they can not make it themselves. They are incapable of achieving what they'd commented, told and taught to others. Typically, it is easier to talk then to act. Actions consume large body metabolism compared to talking. Human tend to save energy in limbic motion but like to use up the saved energy in other part of the body - mouth motions. Thats why human only think and comment in the future. All the actions and steps will be done by robots or automations. In the future, like scientists prediction, human will evolve to have a small torso and limb but big head to cater for bigger brain. I think I've to add another comment, not only big head, also big mouth for more eating and more talking. Actually, there's nothing wrong with this behavior. The only thing is that people might not be trusting your words and think that you are boastful only.
Like myself, a typical and normal human being, I have tons of comments and ideas on telling other people how to do and what to do. (I've just commented on the above statement (-_-") ). When it come to practice, I've gave even more tons of excuses and reason on it... Therefore from now onwards, I must not practice this kind of habits. (Actually realized long time ago but give myself a lot of excuse and in the end fail in eliminating this bad habit (-_-") ). In order to be a successful person, now I must really set my mind to omit and reject this behavior once and for all. As a friend of mine, please help me to remind me if I did this same mistake again. I'll only say what ever I'm capable of doing and where my limit stands. So correct me if I'm wrong. I'll be really grateful if you all do so to me.
But, when it comes to real life practice, they can not make it themselves. They are incapable of achieving what they'd commented, told and taught to others. Typically, it is easier to talk then to act. Actions consume large body metabolism compared to talking. Human tend to save energy in limbic motion but like to use up the saved energy in other part of the body - mouth motions. Thats why human only think and comment in the future. All the actions and steps will be done by robots or automations. In the future, like scientists prediction, human will evolve to have a small torso and limb but big head to cater for bigger brain. I think I've to add another comment, not only big head, also big mouth for more eating and more talking. Actually, there's nothing wrong with this behavior. The only thing is that people might not be trusting your words and think that you are boastful only.
Like myself, a typical and normal human being, I have tons of comments and ideas on telling other people how to do and what to do. (I've just commented on the above statement (-_-") ). When it come to practice, I've gave even more tons of excuses and reason on it... Therefore from now onwards, I must not practice this kind of habits. (Actually realized long time ago but give myself a lot of excuse and in the end fail in eliminating this bad habit (-_-") ). In order to be a successful person, now I must really set my mind to omit and reject this behavior once and for all. As a friend of mine, please help me to remind me if I did this same mistake again. I'll only say what ever I'm capable of doing and where my limit stands. So correct me if I'm wrong. I'll be really grateful if you all do so to me.
Feb 23, 2008
The Earth Evolutioning?
When I was small, I remembered I studied Geography describing Malaysia and Singapore is a very peaceful and save country from the many hazardous natural disasters such as tornado, tidal wave, earthquake, and volcano eruption.
Since 2004 the day after Christmas, Tsunami or tidal wave attack Penang - My lovable hometown. A few people are dead caused by eating up by merciless the wave. After this incident happened, the Penagites can feel minor earthquake so on and so forth. Most recently, earthquake happened again in Penang on the 20th of February during the Chinese new year. It become more and more "shakier" each time it occurred.
The earth is definitely changing. News, articles and researches keep on mentioning and stressing on global warming and pollutions which are the culprit in the world climate change. Ice are melting in the poles. Desertification process is hastening. Water is drying up at unusual speed. Sea level is increasing and in the contrary, the land is becoming lesser and lesser each year. All Human being noticed all these changes and yet little action or even worse that some country do not take any action at all to solve or overcome this global issue. Furthermore, they are quickening the deteriorating progress.
As a conclusion, the Gaia is "evolving" due to human intervention. Maybe less then a century, our decedent who live in Malaysia or Singapore might experience the disastrous weather due to our own negligence in the Earth Evolutioning.
Since 2004 the day after Christmas, Tsunami or tidal wave attack Penang - My lovable hometown. A few people are dead caused by eating up by merciless the wave. After this incident happened, the Penagites can feel minor earthquake so on and so forth. Most recently, earthquake happened again in Penang on the 20th of February during the Chinese new year. It become more and more "shakier" each time it occurred.
The earth is definitely changing. News, articles and researches keep on mentioning and stressing on global warming and pollutions which are the culprit in the world climate change. Ice are melting in the poles. Desertification process is hastening. Water is drying up at unusual speed. Sea level is increasing and in the contrary, the land is becoming lesser and lesser each year. All Human being noticed all these changes and yet little action or even worse that some country do not take any action at all to solve or overcome this global issue. Furthermore, they are quickening the deteriorating progress.
As a conclusion, the Gaia is "evolving" due to human intervention. Maybe less then a century, our decedent who live in Malaysia or Singapore might experience the disastrous weather due to our own negligence in the Earth Evolutioning.
Feb 19, 2008
What you Lost is What you'll Gain
I always belief the Taoism philosophy, the existence of Yin and Yang. The Yin is always oppose of the Yang, for example Yin is dark and Yang will be the light. However they also collaborate between each other in order to be exist. Therefore there's always black dot in the white and vice versa. (Ok, the topic today not discussing the symbol :P)
Just like the Yin and the Yang, something we lost or sacrificed there must be something in exchange that we will gain. Sometimes the profit you gain can be greater then what you have lost. For instant, when I move and start working in Singapore, I have to give up driving my car. Non PR, driving Malaysia number plate car in Singapore is costly. Don't mention about owning a Singapore car in further. It's even much worse in up keeping your car then owning one car. Without own four wheels, I have to use public wheels. Definitely the traveling time and distances will become longer compare to driving by your own. In the other way round, I found myself have a lot of spare time while traveling. I used the free time to read books, play games and sometimes take rest while in the train or in the bus. Within months, I finished a few books, accomplish a few games and fall sleep a few times as well. Without owning a car, I save tons of money in petrol and installment too. In my perspective, I am actually enjoy myself without driving. I really open my eyes when walking rather then "open my eyes" to be cautious while driving.
Though some people might think that travel with public transport is very tedious and wasting time. I don't deny that as well, but in the end, it just depend on how you see through it. Be optimism and you will find yourself happy and joyful always.
Feb 14, 2008
The new website for all
Sorry for keeping you guys and gals for so long. After a few weeks of delay, finally I've found the suitable hosting site for the new forum. We've decided to name it as "tomoweb" as tomo in japanese means "friends".
This site is not complicated and serve alot of functions like the other site. It is a free base site created for all my friends and families to share their knowledges, experiences and feelings with the others. But with the support of you all, I'll slowly upgrade the website to a better one once there's income. This is what I promise to all of you. Thank you very much.
The site is
This site is not complicated and serve alot of functions like the other site. It is a free base site created for all my friends and families to share their knowledges, experiences and feelings with the others. But with the support of you all, I'll slowly upgrade the website to a better one once there's income. This is what I promise to all of you. Thank you very much.
The site is
Feb 10, 2008
The RM350 bus ticket
I've done many hilarious things in my life. One of it was 2 days ago. Even me also can not accept this huge stupid mistake I've done.
I've bought the flight ticket to go back to Johor on 9 Feb which cost me RM250 pax. The departure was printed 2050 on the self printed ticket. The very mistake I made was I do not read the TIME carefully. It was way back to 2 months ago when I print out the ticket. I was so blurred that I interprated 2050 as 10:50pm. Then I keep on reminding myself that my flight was at 10:50pm (2050! It's minus 12hrs). I did not even bother to check and look again the date and time on the tickets before I went to the airport. When I reach airport at 10:00pm on that day, I went to check in my ticket and the guy at the check in counter told me to read the time carefully. Then I only found that the plane which I am going to take had already reach Johor. Hahaha...
Without any choice left, I had to rush and get bus ticket or else I am definitely miss my Monday work. When I reach the Penang bus station around 10:45pm (2045!), I thought of try out my luck to hope there's still seats for 2 heading direct to Singapore on that night. However, only bad news received from all the ticket counters. The best choice left for me is get a 9:30am morning bus to Johor bus station on the next morning which fall on 10 Feb. Without any negotiation point, my only hope to go back cost me another RM100.
In the end I am still able to reach my workplace on Monday morning but it cost me RM350 and 15 hrs ride to reach Singapore!!! So the lesson of this story is you need to minus 12hrs when you interprate international time format and check you transportation tickets after you purchase them! Or else, you'll end up like foolish me.
I've bought the flight ticket to go back to Johor on 9 Feb which cost me RM250 pax. The departure was printed 2050 on the self printed ticket. The very mistake I made was I do not read the TIME carefully. It was way back to 2 months ago when I print out the ticket. I was so blurred that I interprated 2050 as 10:50pm. Then I keep on reminding myself that my flight was at 10:50pm (2050! It's minus 12hrs). I did not even bother to check and look again the date and time on the tickets before I went to the airport. When I reach airport at 10:00pm on that day, I went to check in my ticket and the guy at the check in counter told me to read the time carefully. Then I only found that the plane which I am going to take had already reach Johor. Hahaha...
Without any choice left, I had to rush and get bus ticket or else I am definitely miss my Monday work. When I reach the Penang bus station around 10:45pm (2045!), I thought of try out my luck to hope there's still seats for 2 heading direct to Singapore on that night. However, only bad news received from all the ticket counters. The best choice left for me is get a 9:30am morning bus to Johor bus station on the next morning which fall on 10 Feb. Without any negotiation point, my only hope to go back cost me another RM100.
In the end I am still able to reach my workplace on Monday morning but it cost me RM350 and 15 hrs ride to reach Singapore!!! So the lesson of this story is you need to minus 12hrs when you interprate international time format and check you transportation tickets after you purchase them! Or else, you'll end up like foolish me.
Feb 6, 2008
Happy Chinese New Year
Happy Chinese New Year to all my friends and family! New year, new wishes and new hopes. I sincerely wish everyone's wishes come true and have a prosperity new year. Gong Xi Fa Cai! Xin Nian Kuai Le!
Jan 27, 2008
Invest Money, Invest Time, Invest Yourself
People always dreams of being rich. All they want is getting more and more money. So, they invest their money to roll or gain even more money. However, lazy people just follow others blindly in investment. In the end, they might took the long way or the hard way to earn their money through investing. Some even worse, instead of getting the rolling snow ball effect, they are rolling the mud ball; the further/faster it roll, the smaller/lesser it become.
The very principal rule of investment in money is you need modal. You definitely need money to transform into "moneys". There are tons ways to get the modal for your investments. However, without the proper knowledge and correct way of investment; you'll lose your modal easily in the end. Therefore, you need to invest time before you invest money. You need time to gather your modal. Additionally, you need time to study and learn the correct footsteps in investment. You need to fit yourself with proper investing knowledge and skills before you enter to the investor world.
Investing in time is still not enough. The key of success in the end still lies in individual. You have the modal, you have the knowledge and skills of investment, so what. If you do not have a correct mind set, you'll still lose in the fight. Investment is like a war. Soldiers are skillful in dodging and fighting techniques equip with the best armors and weapons will lost in the war if they do not possesses sharp mind, brave heart, endurance body, and righteous spirit. Same goes for investment, we must always train and furnish ourselves in good physically, mentally and spiritually condition if we want to survive and outshine in the investment environment.
I'm not a highly intelligent person, I'm not very successful man at my age and I don't even own a small business of my own. I did not study alot of books compare with others, I did not have a doctorate certificate level and my brain was not born with a 180 point of IQ. Yet, what I've been studying and learning so far has taught me a very basic principal of life. If you want to success in your life, you have to sacrifice your time on it; before you plan to spend the time, you have to start with changing yourself. Therefore "invest money, invest time, invest yourself" has become the motto for my life right now.
The very principal rule of investment in money is you need modal. You definitely need money to transform into "moneys". There are tons ways to get the modal for your investments. However, without the proper knowledge and correct way of investment; you'll lose your modal easily in the end. Therefore, you need to invest time before you invest money. You need time to gather your modal. Additionally, you need time to study and learn the correct footsteps in investment. You need to fit yourself with proper investing knowledge and skills before you enter to the investor world.
Investing in time is still not enough. The key of success in the end still lies in individual. You have the modal, you have the knowledge and skills of investment, so what. If you do not have a correct mind set, you'll still lose in the fight. Investment is like a war. Soldiers are skillful in dodging and fighting techniques equip with the best armors and weapons will lost in the war if they do not possesses sharp mind, brave heart, endurance body, and righteous spirit. Same goes for investment, we must always train and furnish ourselves in good physically, mentally and spiritually condition if we want to survive and outshine in the investment environment.
I'm not a highly intelligent person, I'm not very successful man at my age and I don't even own a small business of my own. I did not study alot of books compare with others, I did not have a doctorate certificate level and my brain was not born with a 180 point of IQ. Yet, what I've been studying and learning so far has taught me a very basic principal of life. If you want to success in your life, you have to sacrifice your time on it; before you plan to spend the time, you have to start with changing yourself. Therefore "invest money, invest time, invest yourself" has become the motto for my life right now.
Jan 24, 2008
How to get attention when submitting resume
There are some tips I would like to share with you all regarding on applying new jobs. It's depend on how, what you send your resume. However, "how" and "what" is very clear cut what I'm trying to stress more in "When" you should send in your resume to get more attention.
1. "How"?
- Basically through e-mail is the most convenient yet effective ways. What you need is an attachment of complete resume of yourself along with the e-mail. Letter are hardly in use anymore.
- Call in directly? Though it's make a deep impression to people. Still, don't waste your time and money. I'll still prefer you all to use e-mail.
NOTE: Many people use this way, but how am I going to attract the HR admin attentions?
2. Then we talk about "What" to include in your resume
- First and foremost, put your handsome/pretty passport size photo of yourself which you think you are in the best look on the top of the 1st page in your resume. (Colourful photo will be more attractive compare to black & white photo)
- Mind what you put in your resume. Don't submit a lengthy resume. A 10 pages full resume doesn't impress people. You only cause the reader in bewilderness which become trouble for yourself. 4 pages would be sufficient to cover all about yourself.
- Just learn how to sell yourself like selling an item to customer but make it short and brief.
NOTE: Many people practive in this way. So it's common nothing special in the eyes of HR admin!
3. The key, "When"? But before telling you, I just write a short story about myself.
When I reach the company 7 early 8 early in every morning, I feel very very fresh and energetic instead of slugish. After lunch, when I come back to my work place, I'm growing tired and sleepy. Afternoon nap is the most desired things to do in my life, but I can't because of work, Work, WORK!!! 1-2 hours before going back home, everything I read in e-mail, postpone till tomorrow morning only I'll proceed with it (Siao meh, do now. Wanna go back earlier la). My concentration already divert to home at 4pm :P. I think you all also faced the something like me from Monday till Friday. So does the HR admin people who read e-mails everyday, because all of us are just normal human being ma.
- Send your resume at 7-8 in the morning is the best!!! Your e-mail definitely shows on the top of the receiving mail list! (the latest mail will queue on top of the list, aren't yours list like that?)
You'll definitely caught the HR 1st attention and good impression, since he/she is still "SOBER".
I hope this small little tips can help you all in the future job application!
1. "How"?
- Basically through e-mail is the most convenient yet effective ways. What you need is an attachment of complete resume of yourself along with the e-mail. Letter are hardly in use anymore.
- Call in directly? Though it's make a deep impression to people. Still, don't waste your time and money. I'll still prefer you all to use e-mail.
NOTE: Many people use this way, but how am I going to attract the HR admin attentions?
2. Then we talk about "What" to include in your resume
- First and foremost, put your handsome/pretty passport size photo of yourself which you think you are in the best look on the top of the 1st page in your resume. (Colourful photo will be more attractive compare to black & white photo)
- Mind what you put in your resume. Don't submit a lengthy resume. A 10 pages full resume doesn't impress people. You only cause the reader in bewilderness which become trouble for yourself. 4 pages would be sufficient to cover all about yourself.
- Just learn how to sell yourself like selling an item to customer but make it short and brief.
NOTE: Many people practive in this way. So it's common nothing special in the eyes of HR admin!
3. The key, "When"? But before telling you, I just write a short story about myself.
When I reach the company 7 early 8 early in every morning, I feel very very fresh and energetic instead of slugish. After lunch, when I come back to my work place, I'm growing tired and sleepy. Afternoon nap is the most desired things to do in my life, but I can't because of work, Work, WORK!!! 1-2 hours before going back home, everything I read in e-mail, postpone till tomorrow morning only I'll proceed with it (Siao meh, do now. Wanna go back earlier la). My concentration already divert to home at 4pm :P. I think you all also faced the something like me from Monday till Friday. So does the HR admin people who read e-mails everyday, because all of us are just normal human being ma.
- Send your resume at 7-8 in the morning is the best!!! Your e-mail definitely shows on the top of the receiving mail list! (the latest mail will queue on top of the list, aren't yours list like that?)
You'll definitely caught the HR 1st attention and good impression, since he/she is still "SOBER".
I hope this small little tips can help you all in the future job application!
A name for my new upcoming forum
Recently I just open a forum, and yet I close the forum hours ago. The main reason I create that forum is to share experiences, ideas, concepts in investment among friends so that friend can "huat tat" together. Good things must share ma haha, and I'm definitely will share with my friends and even other so that there'll be no poor in the world (Great dreams but myself is still very poor. HOW COME!).
From these few days, alot of feedback and comments I got. The topics are to narrow and yet boresome to some of my friend. Then I add other topic so that can suit everyone appetite (And I really really wish that everyone likes it and the website can become a medium to warm our friendship forever). In the end, I plan to create a new look, new face to suit everyone, that's why I want to close the old 1.
The other reason is that, the website wasn't very stable, especially the forum. Many cannot view the forum. The forum page load incomplete. So, instead of waiting, I just close it today and wait others to propose a new name for the site.
Any suggestion please comment here. Everyone are welcome.
From these few days, alot of feedback and comments I got. The topics are to narrow and yet boresome to some of my friend. Then I add other topic so that can suit everyone appetite (And I really really wish that everyone likes it and the website can become a medium to warm our friendship forever). In the end, I plan to create a new look, new face to suit everyone, that's why I want to close the old 1.
The other reason is that, the website wasn't very stable, especially the forum. Many cannot view the forum. The forum page load incomplete. So, instead of waiting, I just close it today and wait others to propose a new name for the site.
Any suggestion please comment here. Everyone are welcome.
Jan 20, 2008
Train your right brain!
Recently, I've just finish reading the "The Whole New Mind" by Daniel H.Pink. This book described that people are now entering from the "Information age" to a new era which is name as the "Conceptual age".
The fast emerging of the conceptual age are due to 3As; the Abundance, Asia and Automation. Leading nations and big multinational coperate are now diverge their attentions to "right-brained thinker". The "left-brainers" are replaced by the 3 key factors and no longer in the ruling. As our understand, the left brain control our logical and sequential thinking (IQ) while the right brain rules our creativities and emotional thinking (EQ). For the past centuries, the educations have successfully trained alot of "left-brainers" but not the "right-brainers". In the past, people with high IQ are always have a good seat in the society. Only recent years, scientists found EQ which is more important then IQ are what the society is lacking of. Besides EQ, creativity, abstractness and artistically are the keys to the next civilization which is all control under our right brain.
In order to develop our right brain, the author mention 6 different steps we can pratice in our daily living. He named them as the "six senses". In brief, they are:
1. Design - to sketch pictures or drawings.
2. Story - to write sagas or short events.
3. Symphony - to listen on music or look on patterns.
4. Empathy - to be able to understand and indentify others feeling and thinking.
5. Play - to enjoy yourself through laughing or playing games (including the PC games is also healthy for building your right brain :D).
6. Meaning - to find the meaning of your own life.
Tons of books and websites are recommended by the Daniel. All of them are good in training your right brain. One of them is the "Emotional Intelligence" by Daniel Goleman, which is a coincident that I borrow from my friend, Yeow Chuan and I've been carrying the books for half year as I still haven't finished reading it. Hahaha... Sorry buddy, I'll finish the book ASAP and return to you ASAP.
Now your shoud left your left brain, and start developing your right brain right now!
The fast emerging of the conceptual age are due to 3As; the Abundance, Asia and Automation. Leading nations and big multinational coperate are now diverge their attentions to "right-brained thinker". The "left-brainers" are replaced by the 3 key factors and no longer in the ruling. As our understand, the left brain control our logical and sequential thinking (IQ) while the right brain rules our creativities and emotional thinking (EQ). For the past centuries, the educations have successfully trained alot of "left-brainers" but not the "right-brainers". In the past, people with high IQ are always have a good seat in the society. Only recent years, scientists found EQ which is more important then IQ are what the society is lacking of. Besides EQ, creativity, abstractness and artistically are the keys to the next civilization which is all control under our right brain.
In order to develop our right brain, the author mention 6 different steps we can pratice in our daily living. He named them as the "six senses". In brief, they are:
1. Design - to sketch pictures or drawings.
2. Story - to write sagas or short events.
3. Symphony - to listen on music or look on patterns.
4. Empathy - to be able to understand and indentify others feeling and thinking.
5. Play - to enjoy yourself through laughing or playing games (including the PC games is also healthy for building your right brain :D).
6. Meaning - to find the meaning of your own life.
Tons of books and websites are recommended by the Daniel. All of them are good in training your right brain. One of them is the "Emotional Intelligence" by Daniel Goleman, which is a coincident that I borrow from my friend, Yeow Chuan and I've been carrying the books for half year as I still haven't finished reading it. Hahaha... Sorry buddy, I'll finish the book ASAP and return to you ASAP.
Now your shoud left your left brain, and start developing your right brain right now!
Jan 12, 2008
Have you ever felt lost in doing everything? Have you ever felt lost in achieving your goal or target? Have you ever felt lost in your life? I do.
Sometimes we tend to lost our way, our direction and our motivation. During studies, at least we have goals. We need to graduate with good results to get a better job. In order to achieve that, our goals is to study hard and study smart. After graduate, after getting a job, after started for work for a few months, I almost lost myself. The goals set by company are not my goals. I just follow order to achieve other people bull eyes. We are merely the darts of the employer. We go wherever they want us to.
Everyone of us have dreams when we are young. Most of us dream of living a peaceful, healthy and wealthy life. However, how many of us would achieve that? People tend to stop dreaming after they face the cruel reality when they start expose to the society. They gave up their hope on these and just wish to have a simple and normal life. The very simple simple reason they lost their hope, their way and their goals is determination.
All of us have a very planning skill. We planned our way of life when we are young. However, what you planned might not be what you get. If you plan to do this and get that, normally the outcome is you get what you do not want. Then, the heart of determination will start stumble and finally lose against the cruel world. When we are young, we are taught to get up ourselves when we fall. When we grew older, our fall is becoming harder and harder. Many of us fall and never want to get up again. I fall many times. I tried to get up myself. The journey to regain myself is even harsher then the way we fall.
Every time I fall, I tried to get up myself. I try not to lost my way. I try to maintain my determination strong all by myself. The best way to keep my determination strong is through family and friendship support and guidance. I just hope that I am not alone, else I might lost myself.
Sometimes we tend to lost our way, our direction and our motivation. During studies, at least we have goals. We need to graduate with good results to get a better job. In order to achieve that, our goals is to study hard and study smart. After graduate, after getting a job, after started for work for a few months, I almost lost myself. The goals set by company are not my goals. I just follow order to achieve other people bull eyes. We are merely the darts of the employer. We go wherever they want us to.
Everyone of us have dreams when we are young. Most of us dream of living a peaceful, healthy and wealthy life. However, how many of us would achieve that? People tend to stop dreaming after they face the cruel reality when they start expose to the society. They gave up their hope on these and just wish to have a simple and normal life. The very simple simple reason they lost their hope, their way and their goals is determination.
All of us have a very planning skill. We planned our way of life when we are young. However, what you planned might not be what you get. If you plan to do this and get that, normally the outcome is you get what you do not want. Then, the heart of determination will start stumble and finally lose against the cruel world. When we are young, we are taught to get up ourselves when we fall. When we grew older, our fall is becoming harder and harder. Many of us fall and never want to get up again. I fall many times. I tried to get up myself. The journey to regain myself is even harsher then the way we fall.
Every time I fall, I tried to get up myself. I try not to lost my way. I try to maintain my determination strong all by myself. The best way to keep my determination strong is through family and friendship support and guidance. I just hope that I am not alone, else I might lost myself.
Jan 9, 2008
Investment worth trying
Due to current education methodology, schools and colleges start to stress on entrepreneurship and cyberpreneurship. Students now a days are starting to do their own investment. Peers now a days tend to follow or influence among each other to do investment.
The investment youngsters like me can be classified to many categories. I classified them to basic 3 categories: class A, B and C.
For class A, you basically need a lot of money in order to invest. They are the real estate and Forex. You need a few thousands of dollar to start the investment. This is difficult for freshies like us. Where can we get those money from? Unless we have a very wealthy back ground, or we can think of robbing the bank or goldsmith (kidding!!!).
For class B, you a few hundred to thousand to start you simple investment. For example share market, stock trading or even mutual fund or unit trust. You need to put in some money for a period of time with risks tagging along in order to gain or lose (not much for unit trust/mutual fund).
For class C, you need only a little or no money to start your investment. So far what I know is network marketing and blogging. Network marketing is not surprising. It do have a good income if you really put effort in it. What you need is just time. You might be asking how come blogging can earn money?
By putting advertisement into you blog. Further more, its totally free. Not even cost you a cent. What you really need is put in a little afford and spare a little of your free time. You'll find it interesting and amazing once your start blogging and earn income through blogging.
The investment youngsters like me can be classified to many categories. I classified them to basic 3 categories: class A, B and C.
For class A, you basically need a lot of money in order to invest. They are the real estate and Forex. You need a few thousands of dollar to start the investment. This is difficult for freshies like us. Where can we get those money from? Unless we have a very wealthy back ground, or we can think of robbing the bank or goldsmith (kidding!!!).
For class B, you a few hundred to thousand to start you simple investment. For example share market, stock trading or even mutual fund or unit trust. You need to put in some money for a period of time with risks tagging along in order to gain or lose (not much for unit trust/mutual fund).
For class C, you need only a little or no money to start your investment. So far what I know is network marketing and blogging. Network marketing is not surprising. It do have a good income if you really put effort in it. What you need is just time. You might be asking how come blogging can earn money?
By putting advertisement into you blog. Further more, its totally free. Not even cost you a cent. What you really need is put in a little afford and spare a little of your free time. You'll find it interesting and amazing once your start blogging and earn income through blogging.
Jan 3, 2008
Invests? Pay debts?
It's been half a year I graduated from University. Same goes for most of my friends. Most had been working over months. During this information era, especially all "bachelors" are highly educated. We are not only educated on how to be a good employee, yet we are also well educated as an entrepenuer or investor too.
Investment is definitely a good idea, infact a good choice if we do not debts while we are young. Sadly, most of us borrow money from our government in order to further untill tertiary. The sum we borrow is huge. Some even borrow the money enough to buy a car. If you happen to get a car, you are considered as paying 2 cars installments... Which is a heavy amount of money.
Although most of them choose to pay the loan with lesser amount of money (we are able to choose how much we want to pay) and try to save or even put the money into other investment plan such as fixed deposit, mutual fund or unit trust. (actually big portion of the people salary are enough for saving even though need to pay car and loan installments. Good news as all of my dear friends are not underpay and threaten unwell.
Ok, back to the topic. Like what i said, most of my friend choose to invest their money instead of paying back the loan. Their investment basically are putting the money into unit trust or fixed deposite. Some invest in share market or forex. Right now, none are capable of investing in real estate. Some even plan to save alot of money get the interest from the bank only pay back to the loan. All of these are good to practice. Let me show you an example on simple calculation as you start invest at 1st of January:
Loan interest - 3%
Inflation - more then 4% a year for Malaysia (US almost 2%, last year more then this figure, and many people forget to add in this into their calculation)
Fixed Deposit(FD) - 7% is the best for I can find (Amanah Saham Malaysia)
Unit trust/Mutual fund(MF) - 3% to 4%
Let take average of 6% for FD and MF (for easier calculation cause no matter which 1 also results the same)
So you add up the loan interest and your depreciation of your money value due to inflation, you actually are losing 1% of the loan interest each year. So end up you'll be paying more for your debts instead of gaining in your investment. More over, FD you have lost control of your money; once you need money, your interest gain will be forfeited. For MF, it also varies like share (although its safer compare to share market). You won't be so lucky each year. You also have lost the control over your cash flow. However, paying debts especially study loan, you still have the control every month.
My advice for you all is try to pay the loan/debt first before you start investing. You'll find yourselves truely earning money through investment once you are debt free. Do not hestitate on earning alot of money now.
PS. Those friend who do not have debts, start invest now and plan for your future.
Investment is definitely a good idea, infact a good choice if we do not debts while we are young. Sadly, most of us borrow money from our government in order to further untill tertiary. The sum we borrow is huge. Some even borrow the money enough to buy a car. If you happen to get a car, you are considered as paying 2 cars installments... Which is a heavy amount of money.
Although most of them choose to pay the loan with lesser amount of money (we are able to choose how much we want to pay) and try to save or even put the money into other investment plan such as fixed deposit, mutual fund or unit trust. (actually big portion of the people salary are enough for saving even though need to pay car and loan installments. Good news as all of my dear friends are not underpay and threaten unwell.
Ok, back to the topic. Like what i said, most of my friend choose to invest their money instead of paying back the loan. Their investment basically are putting the money into unit trust or fixed deposite. Some invest in share market or forex. Right now, none are capable of investing in real estate. Some even plan to save alot of money get the interest from the bank only pay back to the loan. All of these are good to practice. Let me show you an example on simple calculation as you start invest at 1st of January:
Loan interest - 3%
Inflation - more then 4% a year for Malaysia (US almost 2%, last year more then this figure, and many people forget to add in this into their calculation)
Fixed Deposit(FD) - 7% is the best for I can find (Amanah Saham Malaysia)
Unit trust/Mutual fund(MF) - 3% to 4%
Let take average of 6% for FD and MF (for easier calculation cause no matter which 1 also results the same)
So you add up the loan interest and your depreciation of your money value due to inflation, you actually are losing 1% of the loan interest each year. So end up you'll be paying more for your debts instead of gaining in your investment. More over, FD you have lost control of your money; once you need money, your interest gain will be forfeited. For MF, it also varies like share (although its safer compare to share market). You won't be so lucky each year. You also have lost the control over your cash flow. However, paying debts especially study loan, you still have the control every month.
My advice for you all is try to pay the loan/debt first before you start investing. You'll find yourselves truely earning money through investment once you are debt free. Do not hestitate on earning alot of money now.
PS. Those friend who do not have debts, start invest now and plan for your future.
Jan 1, 2008
Why we want you to be rich
Recently, I just finished a book. The title is "Why we wan you to be rich"written by Robert T.Kiyosaki and Donald Trump. It is the first time 2 best seller authors on business and finance join venture to come out another books worth reading.
This book decribes why you need to be rich and what is actually happening in our real world and the future of our world if we do not take action now. They are actually mentioning why the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. If this situation continue, the middle class would diminish in the near future.
Inside this book, it also introduce many other books worth reading. One of them is "A whole new mind" by Daniel H. Pink which is what I bought yesterday and started to read now.
The rest are:"The world is flat"by Thomas Friedman; "The dollar crisis"by Richard Duncan and; "The coming economy collapse"by Stephen Lamb
If you found these books please let me know. :P
Recently, I just finished a book. The title is "Why we wan you to be rich"
This book decribes why you need to be rich and what is actually happening in our real world and the future of our world if we do not take action now. They are actually mentioning why the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. If this situation continue, the middle class would diminish in the near future.
Inside this book, it also introduce many other books worth reading. One of them is "A whole new mind" by Daniel H. Pink which is what I bought yesterday and started to read now.
The rest are:"The world is flat"
If you found these books please let me know. :P
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