Jan 20, 2008

Train your right brain!

Recently, I've just finish reading the "The Whole New Mind" by Daniel H.Pink. This book described that people are now entering from the "Information age" to a new era which is name as the "Conceptual age".

The fast emerging of the conceptual age are due to 3As; the Abundance, Asia and Automation. Leading nations and big multinational coperate are now diverge their attentions to "right-brained thinker". The "left-brainers" are replaced by the 3 key factors and no longer in the ruling. As our understand, the left brain control our logical and sequential thinking (IQ) while the right brain rules our creativities and emotional thinking (EQ). For the past centuries, the educations have successfully trained alot of "left-brainers" but not the "right-brainers". In the past, people with high IQ are always have a good seat in the society. Only recent years, scientists found EQ which is more important then IQ are what the society is lacking of. Besides EQ, creativity, abstractness and artistically are the keys to the next civilization which is all control under our right brain.

In order to develop our right brain, the author mention 6 different steps we can pratice in our daily living. He named them as the "six senses". In brief, they are:
1. Design - to sketch pictures or drawings.
2. Story - to write sagas or short events.
3. Symphony - to listen on music or look on patterns.
4. Empathy - to be able to understand and indentify others feeling and thinking.
5. Play - to enjoy yourself through laughing or playing games (including the PC games is also healthy for building your right brain :D).
6. Meaning - to find the meaning of your own life.

Tons of books and websites are recommended by the Daniel. All of them are good in training your right brain. One of them is the "Emotional Intelligence" by Daniel Goleman, which is a coincident that I borrow from my friend, Yeow Chuan and I've been carrying the books for half year as I still haven't finished reading it. Hahaha... Sorry buddy, I'll finish the book ASAP and return to you ASAP.

Now your shoud left your left brain, and start developing your right brain right now!


Anonymous said...

hoh~~~ i like that~
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Anonymous said...

Great post! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Great post! Thank you!

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Nice post.. Thank you

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