Mar 29, 2008

Techno Geek, Shopping Freak

While I go dating with my girlfriend in shopping mall, both of us have our own shop of interest. She like to look into the shops selling shoes, clothes and bags. For me, I like to walk into any shops which is selling computers, handphones, games and electronics items (better known as gadgets).

It's not just me n her. What I observed is most of the gadgets shop consist of guys more then girls. Girls went into gadget shop just to accompany their husband or boyfriend. On the other way round, guys went into those shops selling items which is meant to be "beautify" oneself only because their beloved one wanted to go in.

How come like this? How come man like like technology gadgets while woman like clothes, bags n etc? Can anyone explain to me? Even myself also do not know why. I just get excited when I am looking at new technology stuff and she just feel happy when bought home some shoes or clothes.
However, there is always exceptional. Some female talks about gadgets and some male eventually like fashion. These few percentage of people in the society is actually growing. Men are learning to making up themselves to look cool and attractive. Women start to study and learn to technology to further ease their life or better life enjoyment.

We do not know why in natural that guys are techno geeks and girls are shopping freaks. But one thing for sure is, some people regardless of sexuality they are looking into both.

Mar 27, 2008

Cashflow quadrant by Robert T. Kiyosaki

The graph above is created by Robert Kiyosaki, the author of a very famous book - Rich Dad Poor Dad. From the graph, there are 4 quadrants which play different model in the financial society. They are classified into left and right quadrant. On the left, there are E (employee) and S (Self-employed) which are the majority of the society. On the other side, there are the B (Business owner) and I (Investor) which is lesser in popularity but control most of the economy. Typically, the left quadrant works for the right and the right pay for the left in term of salary and wages.

Recently, I just finished another great books of Robert - The Cashflow Quadrant. Inside this book, Roberts further elaborate the flowing of the cash under different quadrant. Besides that, people under different side of the quadrant think differently. The left side seek for security while the right side is looking for freedom. Not only that, he also taught us to differentiate what are your liabilities and what are truely your assets. Basic steps have been taught inside the books to guide us run out of the rat race. All begins with YOU and ME.

One great book are introduced by Robert mentioning inside his book. It's written by Napolean Hill - Think and Grow Rich. Without thinking twice, I purchased this book and add in into my collections. (My Harry Potter still have 700 pages to go (-_-") ) Two board games are introduced by him as well. The Monopoly and The Cashflow 101 created by himself. The Monopoly is easy to grab anywhere. The headache part for me is how to get The Cashflow 101 in Malaysia and Singapore.(So far only online purchase which is not wise due to shipping fee) The next question comes in when I've these 2 board games; who is willing to play with me and learn together? Haih....

PS: Cashflow 101 is easy to obtain in US! Anthony Chew, maybe I need your help :P.

Mar 17, 2008

Time to invest.

This is the chart of the NYSE graph from 1986 till now. The very stock exchange that will affect the world market. From the graph, you can see that there's micro peak and there's definitely a slump of economy after the peak. Significantly, it takes longer to hit reach the peak then drop to the bottom.

Normally, what we heard from financial adviser is invest when the economy is good and when its in rising state. Many people will blindly follow what people do and what people say. They invest at that moment. They took that risk of buying high and selling low. Many lost their money as they fought inside their heart that "it may still rise for sure". For some lucky one, they earn at the gap before it reach the peak.

However, for a true investor, they gain money when there's a bear market. Not that they earn money that time, they just bought the share at that moment, where everyone is cheap selling their share at hand. By the time the market turn good, they sell. They sold to "us" where people start to rush in. Thats why rich people always earn money when economy not good. They took the "risk". Compare to the "risk" where we took earlier and determine by yourself which one is riskier. Which one earn more? Buy at low or buy at the gap during the rising state of the share to hit its peak?

The investor, the rich practices this. Why don't you as well? 2008, market is at its 10 years blue.

Mar 4, 2008

The Hidden Crisis of Future Real Estate

The graph above is showing the value of the land/property and the general income for a person who start to work over a few decades. We can see that the average income for a person increase in a linear form while the same piece of land with same size increase in exponential form.

Urbanization has attracted a lot of younger generation give up the living in country side to seek for higher pay in the big city. This cause the land in the city become scarce and increase dramatically over decades. However, as year goes by, the basic salary for fresh is not much different. Merely there's increment in our salary.

The land prices keep on increase. The value of money keep dropping due to inflation and the basic salary for employees hardly increase. This make the younger generation like me have to purchase a house at a higher value compare to my parents during their time. If the price of the real estate at the same location do not change, then your size of your house definitely change. Your parents may be purchasing a 1000 sq ft house at 80k. Now, 1000 sq ft at the same location, you might be paying up to 150k. In the other way, you maybe paying 80k for 700 sq ft only. This is definitely not a good sign. We are taking longer years and larger portion of our salary to pay the housing installments.

You might think that I am wrong. You still can get a 1000 sq ft house with 80k but do you think that the area is near to town or near to your work place? In the end, you are actually paying more in your transportation fee in order to reach your work place. This is a horrible truth that I can not accept yet still need to face it.

In future, your children might be even worse if this "crisis" keep going. Higher living cost, higher housing installment, merely increase in basic salary/income, lower value of money will definitely become the facts that all middle class and lower class have to face now and the future. If you can not bare it, then just work until you die; work until you next generation have to carry the burden to cover the debts you left for them. Thats the reality and truth which non foresee and take it into their consideration.

Note: This not only apply in real estate. Education and crude price in every aspect as well.
