Jun 20, 2008

Climbing Up Desire

Most of the people in the world try very hard to climb up the ladder in an organization. The reasons behind are seeking for more money, more power and higher job security.

Have you ever think of you are trying so hard to defeat others colleagues in the company and shine in the eye of your bosses in order to get the managerial title, but why don't you put the effort as you put into your job to climb up the other kind of ladder, the social ladder.

Typically in organization stair are as below:
Shareholders -> CEOs -> managing directors -> section managers -> workers.

When you first step into the society, basically you'll start as a worker, then slowly climb all the way upto CEO. It is very very difficult to become a shareholder unless you are rich enough to open your own company. How many years do you think you can reach the CEOs stage? The higher you climb, the more difficult and scarce it become.

Compare to the social ladder:
Upper class (the rich) -> upper middle class -> lower middle class -> working class -> lower class(poor)

This graph was created 3 years ago. Where The Thompson & Hickey model describe bachelor degree holder fall under the lower middle class with annual income at $30k. Some people are lucky and some don't like me. Unfortunately, for my salary range, I fall under the working class.

So no matter how hard you try to achieve in an organization, you'll still fall under the Upper middle class only. So, instead of putting your efforts in reaching the top of the organization, you can use it in climbing up the social ladder. You might be using lesser time to reach the upper class compare to the CEO level yet what you gain can be a few hundred or even thousand times more then what you get as a CEO. Isn't that better to you?

Jun 16, 2008

How you walk?

Recently, I noticed that there are 2 types of stepping style among people. 1st style is the heel touch the ground before the toes do. The other kind is totally the opposite way, toes come down before heel hit the ground. When you're free you can try to look on how you and the other's walk.

The top has set upon an arguement between me and my friends regarding on the proper way of walking. However no conclusion is being made as we observed that there are really two kind of style. Most of the high-heel class they walk with toes touch the earth 1st. If a girl wear high heel frequently, there are tentatively walk like that.

Legs are the limbs that support our whole body. No matter on how you walk, you still need to buy a good pairs of comfortable shoes with the right size which suites your legs.

Jun 12, 2008

3 minutes earlier makes 20 minutes difference!

This morning, I woke up a few minutes earlier then normal. When I walked to the bus station near by get ready for the daily travelling of nearly 100 minutes. When I reach the bus stop, I found myself 3 minutes earlier then usual. So I get to onboard the other bus which taking other route to the MRT interchange. As per usual, I took MRT then continue with 6 bus stops to reach my company. Amazing, I was 20 minutes earlier compare to usual. With just 3 minutes earlier, I can take a bus with shorter route. That makes me reaching the MRT station a few more minutes earlier then normal. The earlier in the morning, the less crowded it is and hence, the train stop in shorter duration in each stations.

Amazingly with just 3 minutes earlier then usual, I actually makes a 20 minutes difference!!!

Jun 5, 2008

Green and Inflation

I strongly believe that become eco friendly is a best way to coupe against inflation. Year 2008 marked the most happening yet the worse year since this century. Inflation has become world wide issue as well as green peace.

Signs have been shown by our mother earth that she's terribly sick right now. Weather changes and frequent environment disasters occur almost weekly around the globe. Plants and crops are dying under the destruction of the mother nature. The root still point back to ourselves which cause all these to happen. Due to human development, resources around the world have been used up thoroughly without having new discoveries and alternatives. Due to human wasteful habits, the energy consumption level of the world are increasing dramatically. Due to human negligences, the natural resources deplete more rapidly as compared to the pass.

With all these facts, nasty traders use all these excuses to fill up their own pockets by making the poor suffer from inflation. What are good excuses for them. So if we start to look into the matter by trying to care about the nature, save energies and always practice the 3R campaigns, we not only save our earth; we might be saving our pockets as well as those nasties do not have stupid excuse to fill up their own pockets. :D

Jun 3, 2008

Au Revoir

A very best friend of mine as in the photo just fly to UK to pursue his degree. When he took off from the Penang airport, I couldn't give him a warm farewell as he walked into the custom area. I bet his mother and sister where there and weep over his departure. How I wish I can lay down my job, fly back to Penang Airport just to wave goodbye for him. The only thing I managed to do is wish him luck through MSN the day before he left Malaysia. I knew he understood my situation won't allow me to do so.

Friend, when you reach UK, promise me to really start to look for a job there before you come back. I really hope I can get a great offer there and come back and gather along with me at least once every chinese new year. I also hope you can continue your master degree if you desire. I wish you good luck and all the best there. Take more photos and remember one advice, don't play or travel until 3 months over without getting an offer to come back to Malaysia. It's a golden opportunity when you can go there. Aur Revoir!
