Jun 16, 2008

How you walk?

Recently, I noticed that there are 2 types of stepping style among people. 1st style is the heel touch the ground before the toes do. The other kind is totally the opposite way, toes come down before heel hit the ground. When you're free you can try to look on how you and the other's walk.

The top has set upon an arguement between me and my friends regarding on the proper way of walking. However no conclusion is being made as we observed that there are really two kind of style. Most of the high-heel class they walk with toes touch the earth 1st. If a girl wear high heel frequently, there are tentatively walk like that.

Legs are the limbs that support our whole body. No matter on how you walk, you still need to buy a good pairs of comfortable shoes with the right size which suites your legs.

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