Mar 4, 2011

How to read faster and better

     The author of this book, Franklin Agardy 
is to acknowledge the great reading dynamics
creator, Evelyn Wood. She has created a 
reading method that can help many to read
faster, understand better, remember longer,
learn speedier and think sharper. Here, I
would like to share the essence of this book
that helps me to improve my reading skills.
     First, you have to know your reading speed.
Here is a link to know your reading speed at
words per minute. Those interested to know more,
click here. There are rating in this link as well.
For those who can read more than 600 words
per minute, congratulations. :D
     There are several reading habits that slow a
person reading.
1. You speak each word to yourselves while
2. You read only one word at a time
3. You backtrack - reread
     So, in order to improve. Break those habits.
Try to read without speaking the words to your-
self and try to read more than one word at a
time. How? Very simple, you just need to start
practicing by using you index finger as pacer
when you read. Use the index finger to glide
through every line you read. Practice by gliding
faster each time you read until you reach a level
that you do not need the finger anymore as you
have built in yourselves a invisible pointer.
     However, by just pointing and read is not
good enough in helping you to understand what
you read. Every books, articles even news have
a title. From the title, set an intention of what you
want to know, what you expect to learn, what are
the data or facts that you need. How? Set an idea
which normally you can get from the title. Then ask
a few simple "how, what, when, who and why
questions. This will help you in finding the answers
as you read through the paragraph. This method is
also useful in helping you to recall what you have
read as well.  (By the way, this is not a good reading
method for novel, story or fiction book, I have to
be honest will you all just like the book is telling me)
     You all must be curious why I blog in such
a method like what is printed in the newspaper.
Evelyn Wood invented this "eye movement cut"
pattern is to aid in reading. Now it has become
the printing standard of all newspaper.
     This is just a very brief summary from the
book. There are too many details in this book
that can really help and guide you in your reading
skills. I am here to share some simple tricks that
can help people to improve in a short period of
time. If you really want to know more, click the
link below and buy the book to explore yourself
in How to Read Faster and Better

Feb 16, 2011

Thanks to my all blog readers!

To all my dear readers, thanks for the support by viewing my blog. Although I hardly post as I write and share only either when I finished a book or when something I saw that strikes me, add values to me.

 I'm taking the opportunity here to thanks to all the readers that commented on my posts as well. Your comments are valuable to me. They are the acknowledgements, validations and the motivation factors for me to keep writing and sharing to everyone.

A close friend of mine where sharing with me that I should be thanking all the valuable comments that people gave to me. Here, I'm truly sorry that I missed that and I'm hereby sincerely thanking all the known and anonymous people that have been following, reading and commenting in my blog once again.

Feb 15, 2011

How many ten years do we have?

I found this chinese movie clip very interesting and really meaningful. For those who don't understand I'll translate the story narrated into english for all. The story is talking about "The Ladder of Life". The story begins like:-

There was a young married couple living in 80 storreys high of a building. One day, they were back from mountain hiking, and found that there's a power cut in their lift of the building. The young couple is carrying a big bag pack they bring to hiking. They are in sweat and hurrying for a nice warm bath. Running out of option, the wife initiated to the husband that they will climb up the building using the staircase. The husband agreed and step by step, both climbed the stairs toward their home.
When they reached the 20th floor, the husband proposed to the wife that they could leave their bag packs on the 20th floor. When the electric restore, both can take the lift back to the 20th storey to collect their bags. The wife noded and praised the husband for being such smart! So, they left their burden and continued to climb the stairs joyfully.
When they reached the 40th floor, they were tired and they only reached half of their journey back home. With another 40 more storeys of stairs to climb, they started to quarrel and blaming each other for not noticing the power cut off earlier. Both were quarreling all the way towards the 60th floors!
When they reached 60th floor, both are in exhaustion. They don't even have the energy to continue their quarrels. The husband told his wife to stop the meaningless quarrel together and use their remaining energy to walk slowly toward the 80th floor where their home is.
Finally, they reached to the 80th floor. The husband was looking at his wife and asked her to bring out the keys to open their door. The wife replied: "Aren't the keys with you?" With shocked, they realized that their keys were left on the 20th floor with their bag packs.

The story is some how showing the resemblance of our life. When we are born till the age of 20's. We live under the care of our parents/guardians. Their expectations on us are just like us carrying the heavy bag packs. After 20's, we'll leave the bags and live happily for the rest of the 20 years without restrain. Once we reached the age of 40's, we'll start to regret for not doing well over the pass 20 years. We'll start to blame the company we work for, blaming the government of our country for not taking good care of us!
Once we reach the age of 60's, there is not much remaining energy or life left on us. So we'll bluff ourselves and comfort our own by telling ourselves to stop complaining and treasure the moment left in our life. At the 80's where nothing much is left in our life, looking back to the ages that we've been through, we only realized that our ideals, our dreams are still left at the age of 20's, undone; unrealized; unfulfilled!!!

The story is to encourage and enlighten the people to work very hard on what we desired for, to realize what we really want and leave no regret in this life!

Jan 17, 2011

The Secret

I've been wanting to read this book long ago. It's really a great book to read through and I would just summarize what they have in the book. All thanks to my sister for borrowing me this fabulous book.
There are total 10 chapters in this book. Something special of this book from the others is one main author Rhonda Byrne in the book and there are 29 contributors!

Chapter 1: The Secret Revealed
1. The great secret of life is the law of attraction.
2. The law of attraction says like attracts like, so when you think a thought, you are also attracting like thoughts to you.
3. Thoughts are magnetic, and thoughts have a frequency. As you think thoughts, they are sent out to the universe, and they magnetically attract all like things that are the same frequency. Everything sent out returns to the source -you.
4. You are like a human transmission tower, transmitting a frequency with your thoughts. if you want to change anything in your life, change the frequency by changing your thoughts.
5. Your current thoughts are creating your future life. What you think about the most or focus on the most will appear as your life.
6. Your thoughts become things.

Chapter 2: The Secret Made Simple
1. The law of attraction is a law of nature. It is as impartial as the law of gravity.
2. Nothing can come into your experience unless you summon it through persistent thoughts.
3. To know what you're thinking, ask yourself how you are feeling. Emotions are valuable tools that instantly tell us what we are thinking.
4. It is impossible to feel bad and at the same time have good thoughts.
5. Your thoughts determine your frequency, and your feelings tell you immediately what frequency you are on. When you feel bad, you are on the frequency of drawing more bad things. When you feel good, you are powerfully attracting more good things to you.
6. Secret shifters, such as pleasant memories, nature, or your favourite music can change your feelings and shift your frequency in an instant.
7. The feeling of love is the highest frequency you can emit. The greater the love you feel and emit, the greater the power you are harnessing.

Chapter 3: How To Use The Secret
1. Like Aladdin's Genie, the law of attraction grants our every command.
2. The creative process helps you create what you want in 3 simple steps: ask, believe, and receive.
3. Asking the universe for what you want is your opportunity to get clear about what you want. As you get clear in your mind, you have asked.
4. Believing involves acting, speaking, and thinking as though you have already received what you've asked for. When you emit the frequency of having received it, the law of attraction moves people events, and circumstances for you to receive.
5. Receiving involves feeling the way you will feel once tour desire has manifested. Feeling good now puts you on the frequency of what you want.
6. To lose weight, don't focus on "losing weight." Instead, focus on your perfect weight. Feel the feelings of your perfect weight, and you will summon it to you.
7. It takes no time for the universe to manifest what you want. It is as easy to manifest one dollar as it is to manifest one million dollars.
8. Starting with something small, like a cup of coffee or parking spaces, is an easy way to experience the law of attraction in action. Powerfully intend to attract something small. As you experience the power you have to attract, you will move on to creating much bigger things.
9. Create your day in advance by thinking the way you want it to go, and you will create your life intentionally.

Chapter 4: Powerful Process
1. Expectation is a powerful attractive force. Expect the things you want, and don't expect the things you don't want.
2. Gratitude is a powerful process for shifting your energy and bringing more of what you want into your life. Be grateful for what you already have, and you will attract more good things.
3. Giving thanks for what you want in advance turbo-charges your desire and sends a more powerful signal out into the universe.
4. Visualization is the process of creating pictures in your mind of yourself enjoying what you want. When you visualize, you generate powerful thoughts and feelings of having it now. The law of attraction then returns that reality to you, just as you saw it in your mind.
5. To use the law of attraction to your advantage, make it a habitual way of being, not just a one-time event.
6. At the end of every day, before you go to sleep, go back through the events of the day. Any events or moments that were not what you wanted, replay them in your mind the way you wanted them to go.

Chapter 5: The Secret To Money
1. To attract money, focus on wealth. it is impossible to bring more money into your life when you focus on the lack of it.
2. It is helpful to use your imagination and make-believe you already have the money you want. Play games of having wealth and you will feel better about money; as you feel better about it, more will flow into your life.
3. Feeling happy now is the fastest way to bring money into your life.
4. Make it your intention to look at everything you like and say to yourself, "I can afford that. I can buy that." You will shift your thinking and begin to feel better about money.
5. Give money in order to bring more of it into your life. When you are generous with money and feel good about sharing it, you are saying, "I have plenty."
6. Visualize checks in the mail.
7. Tip the balance of your thoughts to wealth. Think wealth.

Chapter 6: The Secret To Relationships
1. When you want to attract a relationship, make sure your thoughts, words, actions, and surroundings don't contradict your desires.
2. Your job is you. Unless you feel yourself up first, you have nothing to give anybody.
3. Treat yourself with love and respect, and you will attract people who show you love and respect.
4. When you feel bad about yourself, you block the love and instead you attract more people and situations that will continue to make you feel bad about you.
5. Focus on the qualities you love about yourself and the law of attraction will show you more great things about you.
6. To make a relationship work, focus on what you appreciate about the other person, and not you complains. When you focus on the strengths, you will get more of them.

Chapter 7: The Secret To Health
1. The placebo effect is an example of the law of attraction in action. When a patient truly believes the tablet is a cure, he receives what he believes and is cured.
2. "Focusing on perfect health" is something we can all do within ourselves, despite what maybe happening on the outside.
3. Laughter attracts joy, releases negativity, and leads to miraculous cures.
4. Decease is held in the body by thought, by observation of the illness, and by the attention given to the illness. If you are feeling a little unwell, don't talk about it - unless you want more of it. If you listen to people talk about their illness, you add energy to their illness. Instead, change the conversation to good things, and give powerful thoughts to seeing those people in health.
5. Believes about aging are all in our mind, so release those thoughts from your consciousness. Focus on health and eternal youth.
6. Do not listen to society's messages about deceases and aging. Negative messages do not serve you.

Chapter 8: The Secret To The World
1. What you resist, you attract, because you are powerfully focused on it with emotion. To change anything, go within and emit a new signal with your thoughts and feelings.
2. You can not help the world by focusing on the negative things. As you focus on the world's negative events, you not only add to them, but you also bring more negative things into your own life.
3. Instead of focusing on the world's problems, give your attention and energy to trust, love, abundance, education, and peace.
4. We will never run out of good things, because there's more than enough to go around for everyone. Life in meant to be abundant.
5. You have the ability to tap into the unlimited supply through your thoughts and feelings and bring it into your experience.
6. Praise and bless everything in the world, and you will dissolve negativity and discord and align yourself with the highest frequency - love.

Chapter 9: The Secret To You
1. Everything is energy. You are an energy magnet, so you electrically energize everything to you and electrically energize yourself to everything you want.
2. You are a spiritual being. You are energy, and energy can not be created or destroyed - it just changes form. Therefore, the pure essence of you has always been and always will be.
3. The universe emerges from thought. We are the creators not only of our own, destiny but also of the universe.
4. An unlimited supply of ideas is available to you. All knowledge, discoveries, and inventions are in the universal mind as possibilities, waiting for the human mind to draw them forth. You hold everything in you consciousness.
5. We are all connected, and we are all one.
6. Let go of difficulties from your past, cultural codes, and social beliefs. You are the only one that can create the life you deserve.
7. A shortcut to manifesting your desires is to see what you want as absolute fact.
8. Your power is in your thoughts, so stay aware. In other words, "remember to remember."

Chapter 10: The Secret To Life
1. You get to feel the blackboard with whatever you want.
2. The only thing you need to do is feel good now.
3. The more you use the power within you, the more power you will draw through you.
4. The time to embrace your magnificence is now.
5. We are in the midst of a glorious era. As we let go of limiting thoughts, we will experience humanity's true magnificence, in every area of creation.
6. Do what you love. If you don't know what brings you joy, ask "what is my joy?" As you commit to your joy, you will attract and avalanche of joyful things because you are radiating joy.
7. Now you have learned the knowledge of the secret, what you do with it is up to you. Whatever you choose is right. The power is all yours.
