Jan 1, 2008

Why we want you to be rich


Recently, I just finished a book. The title is "Why we wan you to be rich" written by Robert T.Kiyosaki and Donald Trump. It is the first time 2 best seller authors on business and finance join venture to come out another books worth reading.

This book decribes why you need to be rich and what is actually happening in our real world and the future of our world if we do not take action now. They are actually mentioning why the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. If this situation continue, the middle class would diminish in the near future.

Inside this book, it also introduce many other books worth reading. One of them is "A whole new mind" by Daniel H. Pink which is what I bought yesterday and started to read now.

The rest are:"The world is flat" by Thomas Friedman; "The dollar crisis"by Richard Duncan and; "The coming economy collapse"by Stephen Lamb

If you found these books please let me know. :P

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