Jan 9, 2008

Investment worth trying

Due to current education methodology, schools and colleges start to stress on entrepreneurship and cyberpreneurship. Students now a days are starting to do their own investment. Peers now a days tend to follow or influence among each other to do investment.

The investment youngsters like me can be classified to many categories. I classified them to basic 3 categories: class A, B and C.

For class A, you basically need a lot of money in order to invest. They are the real estate and Forex. You need a few thousands of dollar to start the investment. This is difficult for freshies like us. Where can we get those money from? Unless we have a very wealthy back ground, or we can think of robbing the bank or goldsmith (kidding!!!).

For class B, you a few hundred to thousand to start you simple investment. For example share market, stock trading or even mutual fund or unit trust. You need to put in some money for a period of time with risks tagging along in order to gain or lose (not much for unit trust/mutual fund).

For class C, you need only a little or no money to start your investment. So far what I know is network marketing and blogging. Network marketing is not surprising. It do have a good income if you really put effort in it. What you need is just time. You might be asking how come blogging can earn money?
By putting advertisement into you blog. Further more, its totally free. Not even cost you a cent. What you really need is put in a little afford and spare a little of your free time. You'll find it interesting and amazing once your start blogging and earn income through blogging.


Anonymous said...

how do u earn money by blogging?

Quincy Tan said...

tru advertisement and popularity of ur blog. u'll earn extra income from there.
