Another friend of mine replied to his buzz by mentioning: True, we have to gain experience by doing the same thing to improve ourselves. Properties investment requires property viewing in many many times to gain our experience and knowledge. Then it results in good judgement and successful investment at last! No pain no closely applies to what we are doing now.
A lot of people afraid of having bad judgement and meeting up with failure. How to avoid failure resulted from bad judgement? There are 2 ways:
1. 80% of the people choose this - Don't think of it, Don't judge on it/Don't hold responsible on it, Don't do it and you'll not face it!
2. 20% of the people choose this - Learn and study from others.
Then from the 20% of people that have the knowledge on how to avoid bad judgement, only 20% out of these people really practice it and try to avoid meeting failures. The rest of the 80%? End up in the state 1. after knowing more!
So, these 20% people of the 20% in total (state 2.), do it in order to be successful and there are only 2 outcome after they do it:
A. Only 20% really gain experience they want and successful by practicing what they have learn and applying good judgement.
B. The rest of the 80% met with failure even if they know how to avoid due to some bad judgement or something they do not know happened.
Let's continue with people from State B. Still 2 states will happened:
80% back to state 1. and 20% will continue in the state 2.
How about people of state A.? Do you think only 1 judgement you make in your whole life time? The 20%:20%:20% will continue to judge and experience and again some will stop there.
80% from the scarce will get lucky on the 1st attempt and not that good on the 2nd time and end up in state 1. The 20%:20%:20%:20% left which is so few people will continue the whole cycle above and more and more will be filtered out from these vicious cycles!
Success is not a single moment, it's a long continuous cycles of good and bad judgement. Only those who are persistently practicing the 20% will continue to MAINTAIN SUCCESS!!! Not only need to not stop learning, not stop attempting as well!
When someone is at a low point in their life - only way to go is up if one is not lazy and willing to take action, sayonara
Hi the stock market is volatile just like in everyday life. Ourself is like an investment, overtime our goal is to grow and succeed. adios
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