Dec 28, 2010

Help the polars!

It's been long time I din't watch TV, especially my favorite documentary channels . During my wedding week when I was at my hometown, I saw a very shocking documentary about polar bears. It doesn't seems like the size I saw in the zoo or from the documentary I watched years ago. They were so thin, and looked exhausted after long hour of hunting, swimming, starving!

The key factor is thinning of the polar ice results in thinning of the polar bears too. Not only that, over fishing, polar bear hunting are the other factors that contribute to the slimming and extinction of the bears!
Look at how adorable, how healthy, how fluffy they were!

Now look at what human has did to them! Look at how sick, how thin they are now. 

I believe the Nature is balance. The more you destroy, the heavier they will pay back! Now, the earth is too hot right? Not enough ice right? Look at the snow fall, the blizzard in winter this year. Is a sign of nature on trying to balance back. Think of the movie 2012. I believe most have watched it. It was saying the super solar flare that cause the end of the world but now I don't think so. It's us! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the work you have done into this article, it helps clear away some questions I had.
