Sep 23, 2009

Getting a car to work? Neh...

Today is my 1st day of taking a cab to work. I never experience the road traffic condition on working day before. Here are my findings.

1. Normally, I take MRT and company shuttle bus to work. The total time taken from my place to company shuttle bus pick up point is about 30 minutes (including my journey walking to MRT station). From the pick up point to company takes about 10 minutes. So in total, 40 minutes to reach MRT. Price - $1.05

2. Cab pick me up at 8.00am this morning. Guess what? I need 50 minutes to reach company and it cost about $20++!!! Maybe the traffic slow down by the rain this morning, but I still can't accept it. Taking own transport is even slower than public transport!

1 comment:

Edmund said...

Haha...TQF...s'pore norms la...
