Jul 28, 2008

Please stop picking others

After the March 8 poll, the losing party seems like very free. They not only do not admit the lost, they use they free time picking on current government faults instead of thinkin ways to help their party to regain trust or improve the state.

This only make me think that previously the choice of the people are wrong by letting them lead the country for 40 over years! They not only not productive, they've have strong sense of jealousy as well.

When the ex-government where holding the power, the opposition do try to dig out any corrupcy of the government. If they do, I think every seats in the government will be questioned and hopefully jailed. (Which is not possible to be locked up as it can be settle via corruption again) Now, they are are "jobless" so they try to win back people heart by digging other people faults. They submitted lists of people who abuse the power, bribary and many more in 4 months time just to defame the state government. What a childish and foolish act. Please stop la. Start thinking and try to cooperate for the better and the sake of the people and country. Or, just go find a job!

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