Feb 27, 2008

The Emotional Intelligent

It's has been a busy week. Last week, my aunt and uncle from Ausie come to Singapore for a short trip and visit. Not only them, a very best friend of mine came to Singapore for job interview and short vacation as well. Lets hurray for Yeow Chuan as he just got offerer to work in Singapore.

I've been borrowing a book from him before I graduate. By accident, I did not noticed that it was all along inside my car. I kept it inside my car for years and I just couldn't finished reading this book - "The Emotional Intelligent". So, before I head back to Penang for chinese new year, I tried to complete it yet I failed to finish the whole book. After coming back to Singapore for a week, I've been a slump. I stop reading in MRT and bus. I was so lazy that week :p. Suddenly, I received a call from him again one day. (Forgot when already) He told me he is coming to Singapore for interview. That is the time where I'm so determined to return what I owed him for years and continue the rest of the chapters. Good enough I managed to complete all before he went back to Penang again.

As a summary, the book is describing our very right side of the human brain which control all the emotional and rational thinking. I found the book very interesting as it taught me how to be rational and optimistic when we are having negative emotional (example: angry, scare, anxious and many more which stimulate our body metabolism and secrete more enzyme in our body). Not only that, the book also taught me how to control and suppress all the negative emotions as all these negative emotions shorten your lifespan, according to researches.

In a nutshell, this book is teaching you on how to grow your EQ. IQ are predetermined but EQ are not. People with high IQ not necessary have high EQ, but all the success people in the world definitely have high EQ.


yeowchuan said...

God QF, thanks for your kind assistance in Singapore. If not for you, I would not have woken up from my comfort zone, and heed for this challenge. I can't wait to come join you. Good article you brought up here, sorry I can't say much because I have not read it up yet. I have noticed this Daniel Goleman has a new book called Social Intelligence. I think its gonna be good and I am planning to get it. And btw, isn't IQ growable over time and over experience?

Quincy Tan said...

For IQ, it grows over time but there's a limit on how far you can go. Not for EQ.
