Aug 7, 2010

Answer of my last post - "Are employees ok to make mistake?"

The answer of my last post is answered within a few hours. All thanks to the big example from Mark Hurd, the ex-CEO of Hewlett-Packard (HP). From the day he took over as HP CEO, he has double the HP share price and that amount we are talking is in billions of dollars. Yet, just a small sexual harassment case he offended requires him to resign immediately.
As long as you are under employed, no matter what rank or position you hold in he company you are working at, you better don't make any mistake. The society is very realistic and cruel. So the moral of the lesson is:
1. Be your own boss. Your mistake is not questionable by your subordinates and you are the one that going to "eat" every mistake you have made.
2. I would rather make mistake when I'm on the very top of the management team. Low level worker will not get any compensation after making mistake; sometimes they have to pay for their own mistake. However, if you are a CEO, you'll get still get $12millions when you are fired! World is so unfair...

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