Aug 14, 2010

Questions are the Answers

Just got a book from my friend, Vivian. The book she lent to me is from Allan Pease and the title is Questions are the Answers. I would say the book is short but direct to the point. It is very useful in fact powerful when dealing with people, network marketing, insurance marketing. I summarize the content as below:

1. The five golden rules for success
Rule 1: See More people
Rule 2: See More people
Rule 3: See More people (Networking is the keyword)
Rule 4: Use the Law of Averages
Example for rule 4: 10:5:4:3:1 - Ratio use in life insurance. 10 prospect answer phone, 5 agree for appointment, 4 turn out, 3 complete the presentation and 1 would buy. Example of making $500 for a closing, you'll be making $50 for each person picking up phone call!
Rule 5: Improve your averages. After you got the ratio, try to improve them.

2. How to get to "Yes" - The four key technique
Key 1: Melt the ice - create rapport
Key 2: Find the hot button
- Extra income, Financial freedom, have own business, More spare time, Personal development, Helping others, Meeting new people, Retirement, Leave a legacy
- Ask five solid gold questions (In sequence)
i. What is your number one priority? (base on the hot buttons above)
ii. Why did you pick that one?
iii. Why is that important to you?
iv. What are the consequences of not having that opportunity?
v. Why would that worry you?
Key 3: Press hot button - showing the plan
Key 4: Get a commitment - ask them to join or buy

3. Six strategic skills for powerful presenting
Skill 1: Bridging - Not entering silence state by asking "meaning...? For example? So then...? Therefore...? Then you...? Which means...?" + lean forward, palm out, stretch the last letter of the bridge and lean back shut up.
Skill 2: The head nod technique - Nod your head + saying " Isn't it? Wouldn't you? Isn't that true? Fair enough?"
Skill 3: Minimal encourages - Saying "I see..., Uh-huh..., Really? or Tell me more..."
Skill 4: How to keep eye control - Best way is use a pen to point what you are talking and lift pen up when talking to maintain eye contact
Skill 5: Mirroring - When the person mirror you means rapport built
Skill 6: Pacing - Speak in a pace with the person and not faster than the person does

4. Six tremendous techniques for making positive impressions
Technique 1: Palm power - always palm up to show submissive and politeness
Technique 2: The handshake - hold straight and shake up and down to show equality
Technique 3: Left hand holding - hold your items with your left hand to keep your right hand free
Technique 4: Smile power
Technique 5: Territorial respect - Build a comfortable standing distance
Technique 6: Dress for success - Correct dress code

5. Learn to read body language
Many many things to learn over here... The author himself has come out a book for this topic call Body Language publish during 1976. Can go and check out.

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