Aug 20, 2010

How you wake up every morning?

Normally how do you wake up every morning?
Do you need an alarm to wake you up daily or you can wake up by yourself without the aid of an alarm?
These are commonly found in working class people who is rushing for time and not to get to work late.
State 1. You woke up automatically every morning at the state of without being late without the aid of the alarm.
State 2. You woke up when the alarm rings.
State 3. You woke up because your alarm irritate the partner beside you and end up they woke you up.
State 4. Your alarm will keep ringing, snoozing and ring again and yet you still unable to wake up. (Worse if you are alone without partner sleeping near or beside you :P)

During the weekdays, statement 3 is how I did. I'm grateful because when I was in the University, I have room mates to wake me up. Now I'm employed and I have a wonderful wife to wake me up every morning. All of them have become my alarm and the alarm clock I set is use to wake them up. Hahaha. Without them, I think I'll end up in state 4!
However, since young until now, it was the other way round for me during every weekends. I woke up automatically every morning sharp at 8am without any aid. I don't know why. No matter what time or how late I go to bed on the Friday night, I'll end up waking myself up automatically at 8am. I become my friends and family alarm during weekends. I will end up in state 5 if I become their alarm and woke them up during weekend at 8am - Got beaten up!

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